Jacqui Banaszynski, Journalism

JACQUI BANASZYNSKI has worked in news and enterprise journalism for more than 40 years, and teaches students and professionals around the world. She is a Knight Chair Professor Emerita at the Missouri School of Journalism and a faculty fellow at the Poynter Institute. While at the St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press, her series “AIDS in the Heartland” won the 1988 Pulitzer Prize in feature writing. In 1986, her eyewitness account of the African famine was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in international reporting. Projects she has reported or edited have won national awards for business, investigative, social issues, environmental, human interest and sports reporting.
Banaszynski presented at an AHP conference for the third time in 2018.
“I loved her!! I loved how she shared her experiences, talked with us like we were comrades and openly answered everything we asked.” MEGAN ARSZMAN
She presented a half day Master Class: Character, Scene and Sensory Detail and two sessions, Muscular Writing: Verbs and Sentence Structure and Detail and Description: Writing for the Mind’s Eye plus provided one-on-one coaching sessions for attendees that sold out!
Handout from the 2018 conference: Cinematic Writing – Jacqui Banaszynski [pdf]
Additional handouts and tips available in the Members Only portal under Educational Videos, Tips, and Presentations.