When the Riding Gets Rough, Play it Safe! New Episode of Ride On with Julie Goodnight Out Now

Ride On with Julie Goodnight cover image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X5JbHd6hkCEeriEGQeyOx42iAWblGbQB/view?usp=sharing

Goodnight Bio and Photos: https://juliegoodnight.com/press

SALIDA, Colorado, October 15, 2024

Have you ever dealt with a panic-stricken horse? Dangerous or uncertain situations can shake a horse lovers’ confidence and make us apprehensive about these sometimes volatile creatures. 

If you ever wished you had a secret bag of tricks to use in the event of an emergency, you’ll want to listen to Julie Goodnight’s latest episode of her podcast, Ride On with Julie Goodnight, Play it Safe in an Emergency. Available now, wherever you listen to podcasts.

According to Goodnight, “Whether it’s a public event or online, by far the most common question I get revolves around the fearful behavior of horses and how to manage it. We offer our listeners solutions, to help keep them safe and moving forward in their horsemanship.”

In this podcast episode, Goodnight describes and explains “over-threshold” behavior in horses, discussing fight-flight-freeze behavior and emotional meltdowns in horses, and what to do to keep you and your horse safe, calm, and thinking, in the event of an emergency. 

To support the podcast topic, Goodnight has added a copious list of resources to the show notes, providing access to her educational audios, videos, and articles from the massive amount of how-to content in her online horse training library. These include how to ride a spook and regain control, riding proactively, and tips on saddle fit and the use of appropriate bits/bridles.

“Although some of my best online training content and online coaching programs are behind the paywall of my website, we always make sure important information like how to stay safe, how to keep your horses happy and healthy, how to reduce your horse’s stress and train effectively are available free to anyone,” says Goodnight. “That’s how we help horses, one human at a time!”

Listen to the “Play it Safe in an Emergency”  episode of Ride On with Julie Goodnight at JulieGoodnight.com/podcast, or on any podcast platform.

About Ride On with Julie Goodnight

The 2022 EQUUS Film & Arts Festival “Winnie” Award winning podcast, Ride On with Julie Goodnight, gives listeners an informed, entertaining perspective on horse training, equestrian sports and having a greater connection with your horse. With over 250,000 downloads and more than 70 episodes to date, the podcast continues to grow in popularity with horse enthusiasts worldwide. Each episode inspires, informs and motivates listeners to achieve new heights in their horsemanship–no matter their level. In the popular What the Hay? Q&A segment of each episode, Goodnight answers listener-submitted questions with candor, humor and practical advice based on her lifetime of experience with horses.

About Julie Goodnight

Goodnight is the popular host and producer of Horse Master, a successful how-to TV series on handling, riding, and training horses. She travels extensively sharing her no-nonsense horsemanship with riders of all disciplines. Goodnight is experienced with many kinds of riding—she grew up on the hunter-jumper circuits in Florida and is now at home in the West. She and her husband, Rich Moorhead, live in the mountains near Salida, Colorado, where they enjoy riding the trails and training cow-horses.

Explore Goodnight’s training library of articles, videos and more at JulieGoodnight.com/Academy.

Media Contact:
Twyla Walker-Collins