What Is a Horse Arena Footing Consultation & Why Is It an Important Step

Whether you are building a new horse arena or round pen, or you are interested in a footing refresh for your existing riding surface, you can benefit from a free footing consultation with Premier Equestrian. A footing consultation with Premier’s team of experts will help answer your questions and tailor your footing recommendation to ensure optimal performance, safety, and well-being for both horse and rider.

“First and foremost, a footing consultation is important to ensure your project is done properly,” explains Chris Neihart, Vice President of Premier Equestrian. “Speaking with our arena consultants before you get started can help alleviate mistakes and set you up with a good game plan for a successful outcome.”

What Is a Footing Consultation?

Premier Equestrian specializes in providing high-quality arena footing solutions for all types of equestrian facilities around the world, and they can help you over the phone! A horse arena footing consultation with Premier Equestrian involves one of their experts assessing your current footing conditions to improve an existing arena, or helping you plan for a new equestrian arena.

  • Sand Analysis: Premier Equestrian starts with a free sand analysis and report of the customer’s existing sand or the sand they intend to use.
  • For Existing Arenas: Premier Equestrian will evaluate factors such as the type of sand and footing material currently used, its condition, any issues with drainage or compaction, and the specific needs of the riders and horses using the arena.
  • For New Arenas: Premier Equestrian will speak with you about who is building the arena (Premier Equestrian has arena construction plans to help you!), what type of base you should use, and what your watering and maintenance program should entail. Be sure to talk to a professional before you buy sand for your new arena—Premier Equestrian can help you find the right sand for your needs.

Based on this assessment, Premier’s arena experts offer recommendations to improve the footing for enhanced performance, safety, and horse comfort. This might involve adding diverse types of sand and/or footing materials to adjust the composition of the existing footing, or implementing measures to improve drainage and stability, like a new watering or maintenance program. The goal is to create an optimal riding surface that supports the health and performance of both horse and rider.

Why Is a Footing Consultation Important?

There’s not a one-size-fits-all solution for every arena. A footing consultation with Premier Equestrian is important for several reasons:

  • Safety: Poor arena footing can lead to slips, falls, and injuries for both horses and riders. Consultation from the pros at Premier Equestrian helps identify and address potential hazards such as uneven surfaces, deep spots, or inadequate drainage.
  • Health: The type of arena footing used can impact the long-term health of horses, particularly their joints and tendons. Proper footing reduces stress on their limbs and minimizes the risk of injuries such as strains or tendon damage.
  • Performance: The quality of your arena footing directly affects performance. Good footing provides traction, support, and cushioning, which allows horses to move freely and perform at their best. It also helps riders maintain balance and control.
  • Comfort: Horses spend a significant amount of time in arenas, so it is essential that the footing provides a comfortable surface for them to work on. Comfortable footing encourages relaxation and focus, which can improve training outcomes.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Investing in the right footing from the start can save money overall by reducing the need for frequent repairs, maintenance, or footing replacement. A consultation with Premier Equestrian helps ensure that you are making informed decisions about your arena footing investment.

Who Can Benefit from a Horse Arena Footing Consultation?

Anyone involved in the care, training, or competition of horses can benefit from a horse arena footing consultation to ensure that their footing meets the specific needs of their horses and activities. Several specific groups can benefit from a footing consultation:

  • Equestrian Facilities: Owners and managers of equestrian facilities, such as boarding barns, training centers, and competition venues, can benefit from a consultation to ensure their arenas provide optimal footing for their clients and events.
  • Trainers and Coaches: Professional trainers and coaches rely on quality footing to facilitate effective training sessions and maintain the health and performance of their horses and riders. A consultation helps them create and maintain an ideal environment for their training programs.
  • Horse Owners: Individuals who have their own private arenas or training spaces can benefit from a consultation to ensure their footing meets the needs of their horses and supports their training goals.

What Can I Expect from a Footing Consultation?

Footing consultations with Premier Equestrian are casual and friendly, and there is no commitment required. You’re always welcome to call one of Premier’s footing specialists, or you can start by filling out Premier’s consultation request form.

“On the call, we will chat about your facility, usage, and the type or riding or training activities you do,” explains Neihart. “We will do a deep dive into your specific needs, and we will listen to your concerns and answer all your questions.”

After gathering some initial information, your Premier footing expert will make suggestions about potential solutions. They will provide a series of options based on your budget, presenting good, better, and best options. They can present DIY solutions, or if you need something turnkey, they can connect you with Premier Preferred Builders across the country.

“The ultimate goal of a footing consultation is to provide you with enough information to make accurate decisions,” says Neihart. “We are the experts—we have been doing this for two decades. We have seen it all and we know what we are doing. We have solutions for everybody. Without educated suggestions from a pro, you are just making a guess and taking a risk.”

Contact Premier Equestrian for a free footing consultation today!

About Premier Equestrian
Premier Equestrian is a leading provider of state-of-the-art equestrian arena equipment and footing solutions, committed to delivering innovative products that enhance horse welfare and streamline arena management. With a focus on excellence and a passion for equestrian sports, Premier Equestrian aims to exceed the expectations of horse owners and trainers worldwide. Learn more at PremierEquestrian.com.

*High-resolution images and additional press materials available upon request

Media contact:
Kathryn Rustad
Director of Marketing, Premier Equestrian
Phone: 801-446-1857
Email: kathryn@premierequestrian.com