#WeRideTogether Launches “Preventing Misconduct in Sports: the Window Rule” PSA to Promote Transparent, Clear, and Safe Interactions Between Coaches & Athletes

With Eye-popping Statistics Around Athletes Experiencing Abuse in Sport, Organization Continues its Commitment to Creating Healthy Environments for All

Preventing Misconduct in Sports: The Window Rule (PSA)

#WeRideTogether, a non-profit whose mission is to prevent sexual misconduct in sport through education, awareness, and resources, is continuing to spark conversation around the subject of sexual abuse and develop its educational resources with the latest PSA, “Preventing Misconduct in Sports: The Window Rule.”   Using the simple analogy of being able to see clearly in and out of a window, this straightforward but high-impact PSA highlights the six stages of grooming and reminds viewers that boundaries can be crossed, even in broad daylight.  By discussing the subtle ways grooming occurs, “The Window Rule” aims to stop unhealthy relationship dynamics and shares ways coaches, athletes, parents, and bystanders can promote transparency and accountability for all participants.

“The Window Rule” also urges viewers to speak up for athletes and invites them to take the Coach Athlete Pledge.  The Pledge, a commitment to maintaining healthy training environments, summarizes ten best practices to help ensure future generations of athletes have safe and positive experiences:

“If we can’t talk about sexual abuse, we can’t change it,” says Carrie Kehring, Founder of #WeRideTogether.  “It’s surprising how many people have never even heard of the word grooming as it relates to sexual abuse or know what it means.  It’s clear that the educational component is necessary to start making a difference, and I am very proud of the work #WeRideTogether has done so far.  Though we have a long way to go, we are committed to being the radical change to protect athletes and keep all sports safe.”

Founded in 2021, #WeRideTogether started as an awareness campaign and educational website designed to empower, inform and unite the equestrian community around sexual misconduct prevention and create healthy training environments for all sports. Showcasing powerful first-person interviews from sexual abuse survivors, #WeRideTogether promotes transparent dialogue around sexual misconduct, raises awareness for the many forms grooming and abuse can take, and helps diminish the stigma and fear of coming forward by giving survivors a safe platform to share their voices. The organization has since grown into a 501c3 and is creating a blueprint to help make all sports safer for youth, amateur, and professional athletes.

Visit WeRideTogether.today to watch compelling PSAs, find educational tools and resources, and learn how you can help keep sports safe for everyone.

MEDIA CONTACT – For requests and questions, please contact:
Lauren Kay // Remarq // lauren@remarqinc.com – 310-409-8754