Steeplechase Trainer Says Equiwinner™ is a Game-Changer for Sweating and Hydration

Successful steeplechase trainer Lilith Boucher is known for being an astute horse woman and for having an open mind, two seemingly unrelated character traits that often work hand-in-hand. She first saw an ad for Equiwinner patches that featured their claim to help horses that suffer from EIPH (exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage) and since she had several horses in her barn that bled, she figured they were worth a try. Little did she know her decision would not only help with her bleeders, but so much more.

“Our stable name, Why Not Racing, LLC, came about because people often tease that my usual response to trying something new is, ‘why not?!’ … I believe you always need to stay open minded and try new things,” said Boucher. “Using the patches astounded me by showing me that many of my horses were not hydrated enough.”

Boucher and her husband, Grade 1-winning steeplechase jockey Richard Boucher, have been working with horses nearly their entire lives.  Like all astute horse people, they have learned to look for minor changes in their horses’ habits and behavior that can signal a potential issue or change in their health and wellbeing.

Boucher credits Equiwinner with helping her realize that many of her horses were under hydrated. While many of them seemed to drink regularly and sweat typically, once she began using the patches, she quickly noticed a difference.

“Every horse I have put the patches on brightens up considerably in their coat. Horses that I thought were good water drinkers drank more water. My horses just looked more hydrated,” said Boucher. “Equiwinner is now my go-to before and after a race. I think being better hydrated helps them with things like tying up, bleeding and head shaking.”

Boucher also noticed that many of the horses that she thought were sweating an acceptable amount really were not sweating enough.

“[Using Equiwinner patches] also showed me that more horses than we realize are borderline non-sweaters. They sweat just enough to fool us into complacency,” said Boucher.

One Equiwinner treatment includes 10 non-transdermal adhesive patches containing natural balanced electrolytes that are changed daily for 10 days. Rather than transferring electrolytes into a horse’s body, the horse’s body simply recognizes the electrolytes in the patches and responds to them, allowing them to work properly. A single treatment can be effective for months and even up to a year and will never test positive in any racing or equestrian jurisdiction.

“Lilith is a savvy horse woman and her horses are cared for impeccably, so to have her be such a staunch advocate for Equiwinner is truly high praise,” said Barbara Socha, owner of Signal-Health, the North American distributor of Equiwinner. “The results she has seen mirror those of so many others. Equiwinner helps a horse’s body work efficiently and effectively, allowing them to perform to the best of their abilities.”

With the results she has seen over the years with Equiwinner, Boucher says she will be using the patches for years to come.

“[Equiwinner] is totally non-invasive and not expensive,” said Boucher. “It gives every horse a bloom, so it is really a no-brainer.”

About Equiwinner
Equiwinner is a patented all-natural patch that balances the electrolytes in a horse’s body. By restoring the balance and proper utilization of electrolytes in a horse’s system, Equiwinner patches have proven to successfully reduce and/or fully resolve bleeding (EIPH), non-sweating (anhidrosis), tying up, headshaking and other chronic equine ailments. To learn more, visit

For more information, contact:
Barbara Socha (

Photo available upon request.