Singer / Songwriter/ ‘hippie chic cowgirl’ Templeton Thompson encourages EVERYONE who NEEDS ENCOURAGEMENT to GET BACK GET BACK GET BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN

Singer / Songwriter/ ‘hippie chic cowgirl’ Templeton Thompson encourages EVERYONE who NEEDS ENCOURAGEMENT to GET BACK GET BACK GET BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE – It’s definitely been & continues to be a GET BACK GET BACK GET BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN kinda time for singer / songwriter / ‘hippie chic cowgirl’ Templeton Thompson & her family. “I think most of us need a little encouragement & LIFTin’ UP from time to time & it’s definitely one of those times for us right now, so, we thought we’d do a little LIFTIN’ UP of OTHERS who might be in need of a little ENCOURAGEMENT & LIFTIN’ UP themselves, after all, isn’t that what we’re put here to do? To LOVE & LIFT ONE ANOTHER UP!!:)”

Templeton released her ‘GET BACK UP’ album a little over two years ago, the subject matter was timely then & she’s finding out that it’s timely now too. “Since Mental Health Awareness Month was just a few weeks ago, Templeton says, I thought it might be an appropriate time to bring some attention to our song ‘In This Rodeo’ and shine some LIGHT & GIVE SOME LOVE & GRATITUDE to those we LOVE & those who LOVE us, be they 2 or 4~legged, 4 & 2~legged, ALIKE, who LIFT US UP & ENCOURAGE US to literally & metaphorically GET BACK GET BACK GET BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN, to KEEP ON KEEP ON KEEP ON KEEP ON GOIN’ not lose FAITH, HEART & to JUST BELIEVE IN WHO WE ARE. Our horse children & ALL of our 4~legged kids & my man Sam, my husband & musical partner are my ALL AROUND LIFTER UPPERS, they’re ALWAYS ENCOURAGING ME, LOVIN’ ME UNCONDITIONALLY & LIFTIN’ ME UP…it’s an ABSOLUTE BLESSING & SUCH a PRECIOUS GIFT to know they’re ALWAYS WITH ME ‘In This RODEO’.

To listen to ‘In This Rodeo’:

Speakin’ of Templeton’s husband & musical partner, Sam Gay, there’s ALL KINDS of GOOD MUSICal things to CELEBRATE this 4th of JULY weekend!!!! First, Sam & Templeton are THRILLED & GRATEFUL that Sam’s Kickstarter Crowdfunding project for his NEW ‘I GO TO THE WATER‘ album project got FULLY FUNDED & thensome!! AND…Sam & Templeton just recently found out that Sam’s song, ‘Blue Eyes & All’ is on the Short List for the Talent is Timeless singer/songwriter contest based out of the UK. “Y’all, my man is one of the 36 on a list that started out with 5500 entrants!! I’m SOOOOO DAAAAANG PROUD of my man, next stop, Abbey Road Studios y’all, ‘cause I KNOW to my ‘hippie chic cowgirl’ HEART & SOUL that my man’s gonna WIN!!! We sure have been needin’ some GOOD NEWS around here lately & when it seemed like all that we were getting was the other kind, now the GOOD STUFF KEEPS ON COMIN’ & we couldn’t be MORE GRATEFUL!!!”

To learn more about Sam’s NEW ‘I Go to the Water’ album, check out his Kickstarter page for Progress UPDATES & more:

On that list of GOOD NEWS includes the release of Courtney Keil’s NEW Single ‘Worn InFeat. Gina Jeffreys last week that Sam & Templeton co~wrote with Courtney & Rod McCormack. The single’s getting a GREAT response on Australian Country Radio. “Me & Sam ABSOLUTELY LOVE our INCREDIBLE Australian FAMILY!! Not only do we co~write regularly with Rod, he also co~produced my ‘Get Back Up’ album (Gina & Rod are both featured on the 1st track ‘Recover) & he’s currently co~producing Sam’s new album project.” And right on the heels of these GREAT THINGS to CELEBRATE is an upcoming NEW Single from another INCREDIBLE member of Templeton & Sam’s Australian FAMILY, Tania Kernaghan. Look for Tania’s ‘SADDLE SISTERS’ (co~written by Tania, Rod, Templeton & Sam) to be released on July 19th.

Listen to Courtney’s ‘Worn In’ Single:

Pre~Save Tania’s ‘Saddle Sisters’ Single:

AND speakin’ of HORSES & MUSIC & FAMILY…Templeton & Sam & their precious beloved horse children, their Jane & their Beau, are SOOOOO SOOOOO GRATEFUL to be pardnered UP with their INCREDIBLE UP LIFTIN’ StableFeed FAMILY!!!! “We LOVE & APPRECIATE our AMAAAAZING StableFeed FAMILY & their INCREDIBLE products, says Templeton, Mary, Olivia & the whole StableFeed herd call their products ‘SUPER FOOD for SUPER HORSES’ & they couldn’t be more right!! Course, IF you know me, I GOTTA add…ROCKSTAR SUPASTAR SUPERHERO FOOD made by ROCKSTAR SUPASTAR SUPERHEROES for ROCKSTAR SUPASTAR SUPERHERO HORSES!!”

StableFeed is an innovative horse feed and supplement company that uses science to harness the power of nutraceutical foods to promote and maintain systemic health in today’s equine athletes.

Our product formulations are driven by peer reviewed studies, input from nutritionists and veterinarians, and counsel from researchers around the globe. Our top priorities are safety and efficacy. Our goal is not to push more feed and supplements into that already crowded marketplace. We are focused on providing today’s horse owners with the clean and wholesome options they want so they can retain or restore health in their equine partners.

StableFeed is teaming up with the folks at AnimalBiome for the Wild Horse Microbiome Project.

“We’re going to test the microbiome of some of America’s wild horses to further our understanding of the equine microbiome so we can provide targeted support to horse owners experiencing management issues with their equine friends.

There is no species of animal to which we owe more than equids. I have a profound love and respect for these animals and believe that every aspect of their care should reflect the gratitude these animals so richly deserve.”

– Mary, CEO and Founder

To purchase your own StableFeed products for your own precious, beloved kids & tolearn more about Mary, her line of products & the whole StableFeed herd:

Check out their YouTube channel to learn more about StableFeed, their story, their products & about more of the 4 & 2~leggeds they Sponsor, including ROCKSTAR SUPASTAR SUPERHERO Elisa Wallace & her ROCKSTAR SUPASTAR SUPERHERO HORSES:

Templeton & Sam will be joining Mary, Olivia & the whole StableFeed herd at Stable View in Aiken, SC at the end of September for an acoustic duo performance, more details coming soon.

For more of Templeton & Sam’s upcoming performance dates:

Here’s to EVERYONE, 2 & 4~legged, 4 & 2~legged, ALIKE, GETtin’ BACK GETtin’ BACK GETtin’ BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN & to KEEPin’ ON KEEPin’ ON KEEPin’ ON KEEPin’ ON GOIN,’ movin’ forward & ONWARD & STRONG TOGETHER with LOVE, KINDNESS & GRATITUDE!! 

STREAM & DOWNLOAD Templeton’s latest Get Back Upalbum:

PURCHASE an autographed, personalized Hard Copy CD:

Templeton & Sam’s hippie chic cowgirl/ Planet Cowgirl & No Part of Nothin’ online stores: / /

—–>Follow Templeton: Instagram/Twitter/TikTok: @templetontmusic

Facebook: @TempletonThompsonMusic

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Templeton Thompson