Running in Circles with No Sales?

By: Ashton Kirkeide, Chief Listener, Black Horse Marketing

Are you constantly working and not getting the sales you need?

You have the website and social media, but no increase in sales.

This is super frustrating!

Writing content that converts sounds salesy, but that’s what you need. (Not in the way you think, though!)

Enter the 8th benefit of content marketing –

Improve your sales with demand generation

 Demand generation is different than lead generation. Demand generation involves creating a community around your brand.

Content marketing is one of the best ways to get your customers involved, ultimately increasing your sales.

Your content can:

  • Give life to your brand
  • Showcase new products, features, or services
  • Create and grow a story people want to be a part of
  • Build a community
  • Answer questions
  • Build trust

Content doesn’t have to be salsey, but it needs a purpose– educating, entertaining, connecting, interactive, etc.

Stay tuned for more tips on marketing your equine business. 

 About Black Horse Marketing Services
 Black Horse Marketing Services helps small businesses reach their audience with engaging, interesting, educational content. Are you looking for someone to write your blogs, articles, emails, or social media captions? We’d love to chat about your content needs! Visit to learn more.

Media Contact
Ashton Kirkeide
Chief Listener, Black Horse Marketing