Nikki’s Notes: Is Your Content Dry As The Loire Valley? Take Care of The Marketing Vines Now Or Regret It Later

Sadly, the relevance of writing content on websites and blogs often evaporates over time as subjects become passé or modern thinking changes the narrative. The river of the working content that flows from your B2B or B2C model can dry up over time and the marketing benefits shrivel and die.

There is never a better time to nurture your marketing vines, so they produce a good quality sales vintage than now. This task is simple to accomplish with the help of a good content writing gardener that adds more than a splash of creative angle and is experienced in managing the product or service at hand as a sommelier of equestrian interests and tastes. Some horse talk, terms and marketing ideas may all seem like French to you, but you don’t need to learn the language to appreciate the results of good work.

 What Are The Simple Steps To Making Your Marketing Crop Produce?

  1. Execute a simple six month or annual contract with a proven content provider with thought leadership and authority in the equestrian sphere. The remote team member should detail the content strategy they plan to provide and have a proven track record of success in the industry. Don’t be shy to work with a single individual but ideally even as a freelance service, they will have a business entity that can issue billing and distribute services to ensure no limits on the number of works written and require no issuance of 1099’s and other extra administration from your existing business. Expect to pay a reasonable price for the services provided. After all, as the saying goes, “If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.” Depending on the type and amount or frequency of content to be written and how it is to be distributed contracts generally start around $1000/month for a very basic economy package and go higher from there.
  2. Provide your writer with access to raw materials to cross-pollinate prospective purchasers interest in your product or service. Photos, videos, company brochures or catalogues, interview availability with staff members, and access to your newsletter marketing platform where metrics can be evaluated.
  3. Listen to your content producer’s suggestions. Implement the content plan and allow time for the plan to bear fruit. Do not expect to harvest immediate results. Beware of anyone that promises an immediate crop of new customers.
  4. Reward your writer for their hard work by treating them with respect. This is shown by responding on time to their requests and creating a good working relationship where their PR/Marketing expertise is valued and let them know it is appreciated. An integral part of this respect process is not to expect to ‘own’ their work, copyright remains with the author. Do not over edit. Do not take their byline off work later and try to deny them credit by butchering their articles for transparently not ‘new’ content. Do not take for granted that any work produced can be used across multiple platforms. For example, if an article is written as a blog, don’t use it as an article on your website without the author’s permission. Extra fees for multiple use and reprinting are standard practice in the PR/Marketing industry and should be included in the contract if the multiple use is expected or negotiated as needs require.

Following these simple protocols will ensure a long and fruitful relationship.

It is very important that the messaging you put out there is not predatory in tone. There is a balance between seeking a sale and being seen to take advantage. PR is a very important part of any marketing campaign.

If you’d like some professional expertise to create a content strategy that works and also provide engaging content that will encourage riders and pet owners to read, don’t be shy to contact me for help. I will deliver on leveraging the new online audience, create marketing that sells but does not signify predation, and help you target new clientele with messaging that prospective buyers will embrace in any business climate.

For samples of some of the many articles, blogs and media I’ve produced simply Google “Nikki Alvin-Smith” and many hits will come up. Need something special then assignments are your answer. Need creative ideas, ask for pitched content. Struggling for ways to build your brand? Pick up a package priced contract that addresses your needs. I offer packages in all price ranges that can be individualized for your specific needs. Don’t forget to ask about my very popular VIP package.

Please email for more information and my website at You can visit my online store at the website and purchase both short burst and full feature articles at the click of a button delivered within 72 hours to your desk. Please note my services are provided through my corporate entity Horse in a Kilt Media Inc. so no freelance writing restrictions such as those mandated in California apply.

About Nikki:
Please visit or email Nikki directly at or call/text 607 434 4470.

Internationally published writer, content creator, PR/Marketing specialist, photographer and equestrian Nikki Alvin-Smith offers, “Engaging Content that Engages Riders to Read, “with unique and fresh material for your horse related business, magazine, website, newsletter, blog and email blast sales machine. Her portfolio of works is extensive and includes equestrian and pet features that have been published worldwide in over 215 different magazine titles. Her clients include equestrian and “B” list movie celebrities for whom she regularly ghostwrites and provides PR services; manufacturers of equine related medical devices, feedstuffs, supplements, grooming supplies, fencing and barn equipment, horse transport, horse structures and professional equine service providers; profit and non-profit initiatives and organizations; and non-equestrian related businesses/publications in the pet industry, investment, real estate and international travel and rural lifestyle.

Nikki Alvin-Smith is a British international level Grand Prix dressage competitor, trainer/coach/clinician. Together with her husband Paul, who is also a Grand Prix dressage rider, Nikki operates Willowview Hill Farm in the Catskill Mountains of New York; a full service horse training facility. The duo provide ‘team’ clinician services to clients worldwide to riders of all levels and many riding disciplines.

Contact: Nikki Alvin-Smith: Seasoned Content Writer; PR/Marketing Specialist
Cell: 607 434 4470