New Equestrian Impact Awards

The Mid-South Horse Review is proud to announce a series of new Impact Awards and Recognition Special Editions honoring equestrians, equine businesses, and nonprofit organizations. These awards and recognition programs are designed to recognize those who are leading the way in diversity and inclusion efforts, equine-assisted therapy, influential equestrians shaping the future of the sport, young riders who lead through positivity, sportsmanship and character, and outstanding equine veterinary practitioners.

“We are thrilled to be able to recognize and honor those who are making a positive impact in the horse industry,” said The Horse Review President and Publisher, Lauren Abbott. “These awards and recognition programs are a great way to celebrate individuals, businesses and organizations who are making a positive impact and difference in our equestrian community.”

The Horse Review is now accepting nominations for individuals, businesses and organizations for the following awards in 2024:

“These awards and recognition programs are a great way to honor those who are leaders in our equestrian community,” said Abbott, “We hope to share their stories and how our equestrian community is a place of positivity and a sport welcoming to all.”

To learn more about each award and how to nominate an individual, business and/ or nonprofit please visit:

The deadline for nominations is specified with each award and honorees will be announced and featured in special editions throughout 2024.

If you or your business is interested in learning more about one of the recognition programs or sponsorship opportunities please contact Lauren Abbott at