More Sales Faster in 2023

Do you have a great product, but you’re struggling with getting more sales?

Maybe you’ve even contacted marketing agencies, but it seems like they don’t understand the value of your product, or what you’re trying to do. As an equine business, you have unique needs, and NOT everyone is going to get it.

If this resonates, Facebook ads might be the right next step to double your sales.

Here’s how to know if it’s the right time for your brand to start using Facebook ads:

  1. What is your goal? With Facebook & Instagram ads, you can get more sales, leads, or simply awareness of your brand.
  2. If you’re looking to make sales through paid advertising, do you have a clear understanding of your customer and their journey to buy from you? The more data you have on this, the better off you’ll be.
  3. If you’re looking for leads or brand awareness, what are you offering? With so much noise on social media these days, what compels your audience to follow you and become part of their personal sphere?
  4. What’s your strategy to hone in on your audience? Narrow scope = less money wasted.
  5. Finally, what is your expectation? Marketing is a long game. While ads can accelerate your growth, you may walk away with more data than sales at first. Are you comfortable with some loss on the front end?

If you’re looking for some 1:1 guidance on whether ads are right for your brand, I’m opening up free marketing audits to 3 businesses in the month of February.

We’ve been working with online storefronts, horse training memberships, and brick-and-mortar businesses WITHIN the horse industry to get more sales for less cost.

 During the audit, our team will:

  • Kick everything off with a 30-minute call, where you’ll share about your business.
  • Provide a custom Marketing Strategy Brief, where we will research your brand and highlight your current strengths, as well as marketing gaps you can fill.
  • Send a follow-up video, sharing recommendations for execution based on your Marketing Strategy Brief.
