Miniature Horses Clad in Cavallos Appear on Jim Colbert Show 

Mary Rose Gullet takes her miniature therapy horses almost everywhere when they’re clad in their Cavallo hoof boots–to help and visit people in retirement homes, hospitals, schools and now “on the air” for Jim Colbert’s Radio and YouTube show. Gullet’s Honey’s Mini Therapy Adventures ( features her star horse, “Honey,” who traveled up an elevator to appear in the studio for the show.

Gullet visited the show’s studios to discuss equine therapy and to introduce Honey to the team of interviewers. Watch the full video episode here, starting at time marker 1:07:

“There’s a straight-up horse in the studio,” the radio segment begins. “Do you get the vibe that she feels she’s helping?”

Gullet answers without hesitation. “Absolutely,” Honey, and all her miniature horses, enjoy the work. “They are very empathetic creatures,” she says. “I have trained more than one at this point. It is very hard to hide 275 pounds of something that doesn’t want to do something,” Gullet explains.

Gullet shares Honey’s best moments in the on-air story. “We started out in nursing homes and memory care. That’s where I first saw Honey have an impact. We saw memory patients have memories from childhood. One man remembered that he had horses when he was younger. We get to relive the memories with people. We also work with children on the autism spectrum. Having the tactile experience with the horse really reaches them. When it comes to veterans and PTSD, she can signal a panic attack. Honey will nuzzle you and let you know that it’s going to be OK.”

Honey was on camera for nearly 20 minutes while the radio hosts talked with Gullet about the horse’s work and how others can help Gullet keep doing her therapeutic work.

The radio hosts also noticed Honey’s boots. The Cute Little Boots (CLBs) are available for miniature horses and ponies with hooves measuring from 2 ⅜ to 4 inches and are available in black, bling, metallic blue, and unicorn pink color options. Find out more: and

About HMTA
Honey’s Mini Therapy Adventures is a 501c3 organization based in central Florida. HMTA was designed around a therapeutic model wherein individuals of all ages, gender, and race with physical, cognitive, emotional, developmental, and behavioral disabilities find comfort, empowerment, self-esteem, and unconditional love through positive interventions with miniature horses. HMTA has connected with multiple facilities across central Florida and has expanded the program rapidly, reaching people in need from all aspects of life.

Contact HMTA:, (813) 957-3322, Facebook & Instagram: @HoneysMiniTherapyAdventures

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 Carole Herder is the author of the #1-bestselling books: There Are No Horseshoes in Heaven and the newly-released Hoofprints on The Journey. Her company, Cavallo Horse & Rider Inc., manufactures and distributes horse products, including Cavallo Hoof Boots and Saddle Pads, to 26 countries worldwide. Herder designed and developed Cavallo Hoof Boots and Total Comfort System Saddle Pads. She’s an honored recipient of the BCBusiness Women Innovator Award, Royal Bank of Canada Woman Entrepreneur Award, a member of the Women Presidents’ Organization, and a certified Chopra University Yoga Instructor and Ayurvedic Teacher. 

 Visit to learn about the full line of Cavallo Horse & Rider products. Call toll-free from the USA or Canada: (877) 818-0037. 

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