Horse Industry Podcast Seeks Pictures and Descriptions of First Ponies

While many equestrians are fortunate to be able to own, ride, and show World Champion horses, the love and appreciation for our first ponies is something that we will never forget.

The Horse Industry Podcast ( has launched a new long-term project to capture the stories of first ponies.

The purpose of Remarkable Ponies and Ponysodes is to create a place to celebrate our first ponies. Our goal is to honor first ponies and memorialize them before their stories are lost. Every pony deserves to have his or her story told.

This is a new initiative for the podcast and the organizers have big hopes for the project’s growth and potential.

Will you tell us about your first pony?

Please submit a photo of your pony and a written description of your pony. There is no minimum or maximum length expected for your description. Your written description can be 1 sentence in length or 1001 sentences in length. We want to add your pony to our growing registry of ponies. Please help us grow our registry! Your pony may be selected to be used in a Ponysode (podcast episode).

You may submit your entry in an email directly to the project coordinator Regina ( Or, you may submit your picture and story to the Facebook group, “Remarkable Ponies.” Some of these entries will be turned into podcast episodes, or “Ponysodes” on the Horse Industry Podcast. Please reach out to Regina if you have any questions!