Horizon Structures Presents Series: A Barn. A Barn. A Kingdom For My Horse.

by Nikki Alvin-Smith

You don’t have to be a Shakespearean aficionado to recognize the famous last line that the king exclaims in Act 5 of the play Richard III, “ A Horse. A Horse. My kingdom for a horse!” And while horse folks are not desperate for a horse as this member of royalty found himself in the midst of war, there are many horse owners that find the process of creating a kingdom for their horses a challenging situation that they anticipate means doing battle with high expenses and a multitude of hassles.

The romantic notion of having a palatial set of horse stables within your own backyard kingdom to house your noble beasts is very doable. Be that property a few acres or a few thousand. For many of us travel and visits to stables across the lands, from the mews and the horse keeping enclaves of the nobility across Europe such as The Great Stables at the Palace of Versailles, France, inspire great barn design ideas that are hard to emulate. Particularly as traditionally such equine establishments were masonry built rather than composed of wood.

But I’m pleased to report that the luxury end of the horse barn market is brimming with opportunities to create a prestige structure set among a haven of lush pastures, winding trails and inviting expanses of well-footed riding arenas.

Among American estates you can find plush offices and tack rooms that brim with hard won trophies that express a passion and success at mastering the horse realm. Structures with seemingly impossibly high ceilings hung with sparkling chandeliers that reflect the summer sun fading into sunset with jewel-like colors that adorn wide center aisles. And let’s not forget that perfect view of the shining short coats of a host of horses’ backs above European-style grill doors, with all equine residents munching contentedly on the finest quality forage.

There is always the possibility to build a status structure that houses horses and that oozes the best of the best in fine horse barns. Horse folks of ‘means’ are often impatient to not only have their new horse barn completed but also customized and built to specifications ‘their way’ to ensure the finished result captures the ambience they want and makes the statement they envisage.

Well you can have it all. Why not? The litany of nuanced features available such as copper clad cupolas that rise to the sky with the addition of a crème de la crème customized equine themed weathervane, being just the icing atop the highest quality barn building method of timber frame construction beneath them. The barn interior offering a pleasing aesthetic of arched timbers that crisscross the lofty ceilings with mortise and tenon joinery evoking memories of the traditional timber frame builds of yesteryear.

Being wealthy does not translate into not caring about value for money. Most people care about how big a cost overrun on a project becomes as time progresses and don’t welcome being taken advantage of or paying more than anyone else for the same thing. Being financially savvy necessarily imputes a keen regard to how money travels the marketplace, and property owners that seek to develop a splendid equestrian establishment for private use are not blind to the vagaries of supply and demand and questionable financial contract details or the need for economic studies with comparison shopping. Smart shopping, first class results and a horse property that beams with well-designed features and expressive fine details is well within the grasp without the need to compromise on quality or find yourself taken advantage of during a complex transaction of construction. How?

Say Hello to the modern modular barn building world, a world that really is the buyer’s proverbial oyster. Yes having financial stability and the deep pockets necessary to build a high-quality horse barn does mean you can achieve anything you wish in the style and barn design and go anywhere to get done what you want because you have the ability or opportunity to do so. But in the case of collaboration with the right barn building company not only can the ‘dream’ equestrian facility be accomplished with little fuss or hassle, it can also happen fast and be ready to go in matters of days or weeks once the factory has completed the main aspects of the build.

The ‘To The Penny’ Quote

Just because you have the cash to pony up to underwrite a major building project, it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a ‘to the penny’ quote for the entire project that includes everything from first post to final filial. You can have a modular building designed, drafted, certified, permitted, factory built and ready to roll, then set up on site in short order and stables open for their equine residents in fast succession. Yes! It’s that easy. Contracts executed, financing options available that make sense to take note of in certain situations, business or personal use builds that offer a luxury experience for the users, horse and human.

Financial Stability Does Not Have To Facilitate Ambiguous Timeframes

The usual harping from a contractor about cost overruns, unexpected surprises during the project completion, the ‘misspoke’ pricing adjustments or poor weather delay final finish date excuses, work order changes and associated expenses and usual melee of experiences throughout development can be completely avoided.

A company with the availability of technological awareness that offers 3D barn build renderings with walk-throughs to get a feel of the planned design, reviews of similarly completed projects at arm’s length in the privacy of your own home can both inspire your own ‘estate’ plans and provide answers to how the building(s) will feel to use and give form and function features an airing.  Investigate handy resources such as a Project Gallery on the company’s website to obtain design ideas and garner a real feel of how the finished build will look.

Once plans are agreed everything can be set in motion with an accurate timeframe that can save you much angst and appreciation of quality-controlled environment with artisan craftsmanship that provides results as expected in the final build. Peace of mind that can be bought, and peace of mind that can save you a lot of valuable time going back and forth with an on-site general contractor over the myriads of questions that pop up otherwise during the construction phase.

Let the noise and mess stay in the factory where it belongs, along with stocks of building supplies, material deliveries, construction crews and all their noisy machines.

No Compromises- The Choice Is Yours – Go à La Carte or Prix Fixe

There are many options to choose from in regard to both the style of horse barn, such as a High-Profile Center Aisle or traditional Monitor Barn and its design size/shape/number of stalls etc. All of which can be individualized in trim/siding and roof colors and building materials.

For some barn purchases especially ancillary buildings, it can work well to go quick and easy with something directly off the manufacturer’s lot. These items are often on discount but always at a fixed price. Look for a modular company that offers nationwide delivery so your choice is not limited to what is locally available. Structures such as run-in sheds, storage sheds and even garages to house motorized equipment can all be purchased in a one-stop shop if you work with a larger company that can provide it all. Discounts of course, always available for multiple purchases so don’t forget to ask.

There are many à la carte options within the styles of modular barns that include basics like floor plan layouts and stall sizes to wall heights and interior wall finishes. Further customizations include everything from front stall designs and hardware to metal or wood handrails for staircases and window boxes.

Consider using multi-use buildings if the plans for the property extend to keeping livestock. Specialist structures such as chicken coops or a pretty cottage greenhouse can all be harmoniously blended into one landscape using complementary colors.

Kennel options also exist that can address the need for canine housing within their own well-designed and very comfortable and hygienic domain. With AC/heat, hot water and all amenities for bathing and beautification, your parade of pooches can be kept quiet and clean while you are off doing other activities without running amok in the house.

The easy clean kennel structure can be a godsend when guests insist on bringing their own canine contingent along with them. Avoid the upset of new dogs in your own pets’ territory within the house by offering the kennel as the only option for bringing other dogs on the property. The kennel also makes a super safe space for working farm dogs or security canines to live when not on duty.

Staff Quarters or Guest Lodging

While your residence may offer plenty of accommodation for visiting friends and family, it can be very useful to also have on hand a space for use as staff quarters or guest lodging outside of the main home.

Take a look at the very popular Barndominium, offered in multiple sizes and styles the Barndo provides the best of both worlds with horses and humans successfully living together on one eco-friendly singular footprint.

These cleverly designed modular builds provide completely separate living spaces for the two species of residents and assure that regardless of your own away from home activities someone can always be on site to care for the horses. Visiting clinicians or trainers, or extraneous folks that come on property and need a place to stay from time to time can easily be accommodated.

Chic interior finishes and more natural rustic styling are all superbly designed in these Barndos, and truly it is condominium living that offers an independent lifestyle suitable for long-term stay staff or family members that would love their own space such as adult children or elderly relatives.

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