Gina McKnight Interviews Heather Smith, WPRA Barrel Racer, Author and Creator of

Gina McKnightMonday Creek Publishing, author, freelance writer, equestrian, blogger, and poet invites readers to explore her international blog, Riding & Writing, about horses, writers, authors, books, cowboys, equestrians, photographers, artists, poets, poems, and more horses.

Winning Barrels: An Interview with Heather Smith, WPRA Barrel Racer, Author: Heather Smith knows that success is determined by work ethic and intentional effort. Heather is a seasoned equestrian, a Women’s Professional Rodeo Association member, the author of several books… Read more here…

More on the blog…

  • A beloved veterinarian from Maine to Colorado to the Ohio Valley – read about Abbott P. Smith, DVM, Athens, Ohio, inMilliron: The Biography follow my Amazon Author Page!
  • Promote what you love! Send me your info and I’ll post your business, book, stallion, photography or art! – Horse Business
  • To read all of my Riding & Writingarchived freelance, interviews, and book reviews, visit

Member: Outdoor Writers of Ohio, Ohio Arts Council, Appalachian Author’s Guild, Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Ohio Poetry Association, Ohio Paint Horse Association, Ohio Horse Council, American Horse Publications

Contact: Gina McKnight