Explore Equine Education and Career Opportunities at Equine Affaire and Midwest Horse Fair! 

Opportunities to learn about education paths and career opportunities in the equine industry will be available at Equine Affaire in Columbus, Ohio, on April 11,12, and 13 and at the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison, Wisconsin, on April 19, 20.  Presentations on the college and career selection process, an educational scavenger hunt to explore career and degree options, and one-on-one consultation sessions with Dr. Karin Bump will be available at both venues.

Information for the events at Equine Affaire can be found at the Equine Affaire website: Explore equine-related career paths and college opportunities! – Equine Affaire

Information for the events at Midwest Horse Fair can be found on the Midwest Horse Fair website:  Equine Career Exploration | Midwest Horse Fair

In addition to these venues, information and resources on colleges and careers related to the equine industry are available for free on the education resource page of SaddleUpNY! – an equine industry promotion-connection-education initiative launched in 2022. Resources include articles, links to scholarship opportunities and a link to the Equine Education Network (EEN). The EEN is searchable database of US colleges and universities with equine academic programs and collegiate riding options. Veterinarian programs and graduate equine programs are also listed.  The EEN is hosted on the EQUUS Foundation website: Educational Resources – Saddle Up New York (saddleupny.com)

Questions regarding these educational opportunities and resources can be directed to:  Dr.kbump@gmail.com

Dr. Karin Bump is a passionate educator with a career trajectory of over 35 years in the field of college/university equine education.  She is a member of the Extension Horses Inc. Community of Practice, an Impact Collaborative facilitor through eXtension, and a small business owner.  As a team, Karin and her husband Tim Williams have launched several other education and outreach initiatives include the National Association of Equine Academics, The Equine Education Network, and the World of Horses Exhibit at the New York State Fair. 

Contact: Karin Bump
Phone: 315-569-3186