Diversity, Body Positivity, and Kindness Equestrian Townhalls

Muirneen, Tipperary, Safe Riding, and Via Nova Training invite all equestrians to join the upcoming 2023 townhalls on diversity, body positivity, and kindness.

The last townhall made quite an impact on equestrians, horse industry leaders, and companies.

My voice is trembling… This is the first time I’ve seen so many BIPOC people—but specifically black people—around horses in one room. I literally haven’t seen that… I’m a plus-size girl and Haitian.” – Elizabeth Y.

What did we chat about? The main topic focused on the New York Times article “Black Equestrians Want to Be Safe. But They Can’t Find Helmets.” However, we talked about black equestrians, sign language, empathy, hair culture, protective styles, helmet safety, kindness, and hurtful comments like, “Shave your head.”

The townhalls give an opportunity for the horse community to discuss important topics in an authentic and unfiltered way. Each townhall will have at least one ASL interpreter. Via Nova Training is sponsoring the interpreters for 2023.

Muirneen, Tipperary, Safe Riding, and Via Nova Training invite all equestrians, brands, magazines, and stakeholders to the next townhall on May 8 with The Wild Beauty Foundation and writer/director of Disney’s Black Beauty Ashley Avis.

Topics to be discussed include: advocacy for wild horses, training young black equestrians for the Olympics, accessibility for para-athletes, indigenous cultures and horses, the responsibility of brands in body positivity, community building, and inclusion for people of color at horse shows.

Upcoming Townhall Dates:

May 8 – the Wild Beauty Foundation with producer of Black Beauty (kindness)

May 12 – training black equestrians for the Olympics (diversity)

June – accessibility for equestrians (diversity)

July – body positivity and responsibility of magazines (body positivity)

July – indigenous cultures and horses

August – horse showing for equestrian of color

October – body positivity and responsibility of brands (body positivity)

November – community building between black trainers and riders (diversity)

December – progress on helmets for black equestrians (diversity)

Registration Link for May 8 Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vf–hrjMjGNS7q9rb6u1yDW9QSnAolMp6

Replay for March Townhall:

Invite your fellow equestrians and ask your favorite brands to send representation! If you want to learn more, get involved, or sponsor, please contact shelly@muirneen.com.

About Muirneen Equestrian

Muirneen is a woman, minority, and veteran-owned company that designs riding clothing with unmatched beauty, quality, and size inclusivity. The mission of Muirneen is to inspire diversity, body positivity, and kindness in horse sports. To learn more, visit https://muirneen.com.


Shelly Watts, CEO
Muirneen Equestrian
Cell: 586-787-1098