American Farrier’s Association 52nd Annual Convention Selects Mr. Aksel Vibe, AWCF as Jim Linzy Keynote Speaker

The Jim Linzy Fund of the American Farrier’s Association is proud to announce that it has selected its 2023 Jim Linzy Memorial Keynote speaker, Mr. Aksel Vibe, AWCF, of Ringebu, Norway.

In 2021, the Swedish Equestrian Team showed and won metals at the Tokyo Olympics in the Grand Prix Show jumping under the hoof care of Swedish Farrier Peter Glimberg. Shortly thereafter, a study was commissioned by Agria Insurance to examine the difference between the shod and unshod hooves of Grand Prix level horses. Mr. Vibe joined the research team as the farrier who would shoe and un-shoe the horses; he created a protocol for trimming and shoeing each horse used in the study and will share his experiences concerning the study as part of his lecture.

Mr. Vibe began shoeing in 1999 and became an Associate of the Worshipful Company of Farriers in 2016, while also achieving the Varnham trophy for best practical exam of that year.  While his practice is centered in Norway, Mr. Vibe shoes internationally, including several horses who compete at the FEI Grand Prix level.

The Jim Linzy fund was created in 1990 to honor farrier Jim Linzy’s memory and legacy of continued education and assistance to farriers who have been injured. The fund annually selects a lecturer it feels is a leader in farrier education or research.

Mr. Vibe’s lecture will take place on Friday, November 10th at 9:00am as the Keynote of the American Farrier’s Association 52nd Annual Convention in Reno, Nevada (November 6 – 10, 2023).

For more information please visit:

REGISTRATION OPENS JUNE 6, and all registration details, including the full schedule of speakers, events, and competition classes, can be found here: or by calling the AFA/FIA office at 859-233-7411.

Representing professional farriers, veterinarians, suppliers and horse owners, the American Farrier’s Association is the oldest and largest membership organization for the farrier industry in North America, and the only one with internationally recognized standards of competency through our certification programs. Setting the standard for excellence in hoof care, the AFA provides professional development, certification, leadership and resources for the benefit of the farrier industry and the welfare of the horse.

Martha Jones, Executive Director
American Farrier’s Association and Farrier Industry Association
859-233-7411 x. 3 (office)

Images available upon request.