Aldean, Art, and Apathy: Confronting Controversy with Compassion

Muirneen Equestrian, a brand focused on inclusivity within the horse community, announces an upcoming townhall event. The townhall aims to foster an open and empathetic dialogue surrounding the recent uproar sparked by Jason Aldean’s music video. This event will be hosted by Muirneen models Dr. Monay Legette and Anne Ashley.

The music video features footage from the Maury County Courthouse. In 1927, a mob of hundreds lynched Henry Choate, a Black teenager, for an alleged crime he denied. His life was taken mercilessly as he was hung from the courthouse for all to see. This gruesome act is not an isolated incident; Maury County witnessed around 20 Black men and boys suffer similar fates, lynched, killed, or disappeared by White mobs or the Ku Klux Klan.

“Turning away from the issue is not an option; it is crucial to address it thoughtfully and empathetically. Avoiding discussions about this dark chapter in history does not erase its impact or make things better. Instead, we should approach the topic with sensitivity for the black community,” shared Shelly Watts, Muirneen Equestrian CEO.

Registration Link for August 4 Townhall:

The townhall is scheduled for August 4 at Noon EDT and will be held virtually.

Attendance is encouraged for all individuals who believe in the power of dialogue and compassionate conversations to effect positive change in the equestrian community.

For those who wish to learn more about townhalls or sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch with

About Muirneen Equestrian
Muirneen Equestrian is a proud woman, minority, and veteran-owned company that designs bold, inclusive riding clothing. Committed to inspiring diversity, body positivity, and kindness in horse sports, Muirneen seeks to give the horse community safe spaces to learn and tackle complex topics. To learn more about Muirneen Equestrian and their mission, visit:

Shelly Watts, CEO
Muirneen Equestrian
Cell: 586-787-1098