AHC Surveys Members and Non- Members

Beginning August 1, 2022, the American Horse Council has been conducting surveys among its members and non-members to learn their issues, legislative priorities, and opinions on specific topics to help inform our strategic plan and help guide our use of resources. Below are some of the survey results to-date:

The AHC member survey revealed:

  • 76% of respondents supported the most recent AHC mission statement “To Protect & Strengthen the American Horse Industry.”
  • 40% of respondent would like to help AHC enhance grass roots advocacy.
  • Priorities for AHC members were ranked as 1) legislative/advocacy 2) regulatory, and 3) industry initiatives.
    • Of the legislative issues – priorities in order of preference 1) Tax, 2) Immigration, 3) Horse Slaughter, 4) Soring, 5) Trails, and 6) state legislation.
    • Of Regulatory issues – priorities in order of preference 1) Import/export of horses, 2) disease mitigation, 3) land use, 4) transportation, and 5) Wild Horse & Burro Management.
    • Of industry initiatives – priorities in order of preference 1) economic impact study, 2) Equine & Industry Research, 3) EDCC, 4) resources for horses at –risk, and 5) microchipping.
  • Top concerns were: Growing the industry, public image of horse sports.

The Non- Member survey which was conducted via social media revealed:

  • Week1 Question “What is the number one issue facing the industry?”
    Priorities in order of preference 1) trails – access, maintenance, and multi-users conflicts; 2) Cost/Inflation and 3) Horse Slaughter.
  • Week2 Question “Should horses be allowed to cross the border to Mexico & Canada?”
    41% responded for allowing and 59% responded against allowing.

When asked about addressing solutions for horse’s at-risk, suggestions included: Aftercare programs to increase adoptions; Incentives to increase adoptions; Rescues for safe retirements and Euthanasia clinics.

  • Week3 Question “What occupation in the Equine Industry needs to be professionalized?”
    Replies in order of preference included Farriers, Instructors/Trainers, and Rescues.
  • Week4 Question “What is your go-to source for information about the industry?”
    Responses included: Social Media, State Horse Council, AHC, Chronicle of the Horse, Back Country Horsemen.

Overall, AHC members find equine industry issues related to tax, import/export of horses, and the EIS the most important legislative/regulatory issues and initiatives for AHC to focus on presently.  Non-Members find access to trails and professionalism of farrier’s important focus points.

Survey questions through AHC social media will continue over the next few weeks! Follow us on FB, Instagram or Twitter to participate.  Upcoming questions include topics such as: equine liability laws, foreign workers, equine tourism and amateur rules. Look for AHC to publish more survey findings in the future.

About the American Horse Council
As the national association representing all segments of the horse industry in Washington, D.C., the American Horse Council works daily to represent equine interests and opportunities. Organized in 1969, the AHC promotes and protects the industry by communicating with Congress, federal agencies, the media and the industry on behalf of all horse related interests each and every day.  The AHC is member supported by individuals and organizations representing virtually every facet of the horse world from owners, breeders, veterinarians, farriers, breed registries and horsemen’s associations to horse shows, race tracks, rodeos, commercial suppliers and state horse councils. Learn more at www.horsecouncil.org

Contact: Julie Broadway
American Horse Council
Phone: 202-296-4031
Email: jbroadway@horsecouncil.org