4th Horse Lovers Summit Raises Funds for Stolen Horse International While Providing Educational Seminars On The High Seas

Horse Lovers Summit 2024 uses the summit on the Sea in live seminars and networking to raise much-needed funds for Stolen Horse International, also known as NetPosse. 

Nearly 90 people attended the 3rd annual Horse Lovers Summit on the Sea educational-based cruise on January 28, 2023, out of New Orleans, in support of Stolen Horse International. This 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization provides the horse industry “Amber Alert” and educational resources for thousands across the nation and worldwide.

Debi Metcalfe, the founder of Stolen Horse International, says, “We have enjoyed two educational cruises as we discovered how to navigate a floating conference. It has been a learning experience that continues to educate the organizers. Our third event this year was the most successful one ever.”

Metcalfe continues, “We are sailing from Miami and look forward to the 4th summit on the Sea on January 21, 2024, with goals to make it bigger and better.”

The speakers this year were Dr. Marty Adams, equine nutritionist for Cargill Animal Health & Nutrition; Doug Sloan, film industry animal wrangler; David Spears, Oklahoma Agriculture Department investigator, retired; Tracy Molloy, instructor, and manager of riding schools; Marci Taylor, certified riding instructor for with the American Riding Instructor Program, and Debi Metcalfe, founder of Stolen Horse International.

We are searching for speakers for the January 2024 summit. If interested, go to www.horseloverssummit.com and click on the SPEAKER INTEREST FORM.

The Horse Lovers Summit on the Sea provides a unique one-of-a-kind conference in one of the most beautiful trouble-free settings, the Sea. This increasingly popular cruise allows the nonprofit organization to offer education, an essential part of the mission statement, and a chance to raise awareness and funds.

ABOUT STOLEN HORSE INTERNATIONALFor over 25 years, Stolen Horse International, aka NetPosse, has created a volunteer network throughout the USA by providing tools to help bring horses home via the website www.netposse.org. The work of this all-volunteer organization has provided high-quality education and services to thousands. Offers substantial support for horse industry victims, educational resources for horse owners, and NetPosse Alerts, all funded by donations, product sales, and sponsorships.

After the theft of Metcalfe’s horse Idaho in 1997, she and her husband, Harold, have helped in over 6,000 reported cases to Stolen Horse International and hundreds of events, all on a shoestring budget.

Thousands of recoveries have happened because this little nonprofit will not give up. Some recoveries have been over a decade later. Like most nonprofits, donations have decreased significantly, forcing the nonprofit to think outside of the box when it comes to funding.

HLS and Stolen Horse International rely on business sponsorships to maintain their services and training, which is an excellent way for small businesses to reach a new market. Sponsorship is a great way to increase authority and competitiveness within your business’ niche by increasing brand awareness and visibility, increasing online and offline presence, and helping you stand out from the competition, as HLS and Stolen Horse International share stories about companies contributing to a good cause.

“It can be challenging to find an appropriate sponsorship opportunity,” says Metcalfe. “Unlike other rescue organizations, we create our exclusive niche market, one like no other, and often overlooked because of our uniqueness. We value the horse community spirit, victims, supporters, and sponsors. Promoting our sponsors is an extension of our usual marketing activity. We cease to be here without a strong call to action for sponsor support, especially since the pandemic and recession have hurt us tremendously. It’s vital to get this right.”

Go to www.horseloverssummit.com and click on SPONSORS to learn more about getting your brand noticed by the right audience that will relate to your product or service.

Press Release available online with images at https://netposse.com/news.asp?id=4093

Debi Metcalfe, President
Stolen Horse International, Inc™

Like/Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StolenHorseInternationalNetPosse/

Great NonProfit Reviews: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/stolen-horse-international-inc

Contact: debi@netposse.com
Phone: 704-472-4314