Katie Navarra Launches NEW Website

“Let’s find your path forward,” says personal development and corporate leadership coach, Katie Navarra, and that path has never been clearer now that the award-winning journalist, author, and Equine Experiential Education Association (E3A) Level I Practitioner-trained coach has hung out a new and easy to remember digital shingle at katiethecoach.com.

“This is not just another team building or leadership development workshop. I inspire leaders to rest, reconnect and reframe through a unique development experience with horses. Horses provide instantaneous, non-judgmental feedback,” the upstate New York-based coach explains, citing a McKinsey 2021 Annual Women in the Workplace study that revealed 42% of women and 35% of men feel ‘burned out’ either often or always (a nearly 10% increase over the prior year).

“The reality is that the ‘Great Resignation,’ and dire labor shortages means you can’t afford to lose employees or burn yourself out. You need to find focus for what’s important and see the possibilities you might be missing.

“That’s where I come in. A one- or two-day guided coaching experience provides the momentum you need to lead.”

Katie’s free downloadable guide, ‘Five Ways to Be the Leader Your People Want to Follow in a Virtual/Hybrid World,’ is also available on the new website’s Coaching page, plus an opportunity to set up a no obligation, no pressure discovery call with her to explore how horses can help humans get what they really want out of life.

Among the featured presenters at the 2021 American Horse Publications Conference, she led the interactive session, ‘Ride & Write Your Best Path Forward,’ and offered advice to writers, marketers, ad sales professionals and senior business executives on how to lean into inherent strengths instead of trying to “fix” a weakness. The new katiethecoach.com has a Blog that leans in to readers with monthly posts that resonate with relatable life lessons, plus a smart Coaching library of advice including, ‘How Coaching Changes Workplace Interactions,’ and ‘How a CEO uses horses to train leaders at companies like MetLife, Kroger and Cisco.’

Join Katie the Coach and find out what energizes you, receive unbiased feedback about how you show up and how others receive it, learn what stands in your (or your team’s) way, and uncover what you’re tolerating and identify the next steps. Get started now at www.katiethecoach.com. Katie is accepting coaching clients now, including corporate organizations and companies, profit and non-profit boards of directors and trustees, civic groups, and those committed to personal growth and improvement, via remote and in-person coaching.

Katie Navarra
(518) 312-7032

Images available on request