Katie The Coach© NEW White Paper: Five Ways to Be the Leader People Follow in a Virtual/Hybrid World

“Changing the dynamic in the workplace and becoming the leader your people want has never been more important,” says personal development and corporate leadership coach Katie Navarra Bradley, of the upstate New York-based, Katie The Coach©, citing the McKinsey 2021 Annual Women in the Workplace study that reveals 42% of women and 35% of men feel ‘burned out’ either often or always (a nearly 10% increase over the prior year). “The Great Resignation is proof that we want work that is meaningful and conducted in an environment where we feel respected. Yet developing or continuing impactful relationships is challenging in today’s virtual/hybrid world.

“The good news,” she adds, “is that making this shift doesn’t have to be complicated.”

Katie’s new white paper, Five Ways to Be the Leader Your People Want to Follow In a Virtual Hybrid World, coaches those looking to build their leadership skills begin by inviting more joy into their workspace. “Consider this: On average, employees are 12% to 20% more productive when happy at work,” she writes, referring to the University of Warwick’s Center for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy.

Her new white paper outlines how individual communication preferences impact how others will accept someone as their leader, and just as people communicate differently, they also seek and accept praise differently, so a good leader must learn to express acknowledgment in ways that deliver the most impact for a team.

It also means taking an interest in the goals of the individual, she says. “Employees want to know that you are genuinely interested in learning about their goals. It’s no secret that it’s less expensive for a company to retain an employee than hire and train a new one.”

Leading team members toward personal goals means involving them in projects that align with their career development interests, supporting their participation in professional development workshops or training, and introducing them to others within your network with experience in their area of interest.

Last but not least, leadership means taking time for you. “Let’s be honest,” Katie says, “when you talk about burnout and stress, it is often in terms of caring for people who report to you. You can’t give it your all when you’re burned out. That’s why taking five minutes to pause and reset can get you back to work faster and more relaxed.

“For example, in a group horse-assisted coaching session,” the Equine Experiential Education Association (E3A) Level I Practitioner-trained coach shares, “a senior-level event planning leader realized her downtime was her dog. She committed the end of every work day to snuggle or play with them.”

Five real world tips for becoming the leader that people will want to follow in today’s virtual/hybrid world.

Download the full white paper for free at katiethecoach.com

Katie can coach you through these steps, and other powerful strategies to transform your leadership style, starting with a 30-minute, no-obligation discovery session you can schedule now at https://calendly.com/ktnavarra.

She is accepting, via remote and in-person opportunities, coaching clients including corporate organizations and companies, profit and non-profit boards of directors and trustees, civic groups, and all others committed to personal growth and improvement. Connect at katiethecoach.com or email ktnavarra@gmail.com.

Katie Navarra Bradley, Katie The Coach©
(518) 312-7032

Images available on request