Justin Boots National Sales Manager Teaches the Art of Selling on How to Market Your Horse Business Podcast

How do you feel when it comes to selling? Do you get nervous or shy, or maybe completely freeze up and forget all the great things you were going to say?

Or, when it comes to selling on social, perhaps you just avoid it.

The good news is if you want to build an equine business you love, then selling is a skill you can (and should) learn.

That’s why Denise Alvarez, host of the How to Market Your Horse Business Podcast, invited Chris Stein, National Sales Manager at iconic western brand Justin Boots, to help the everyday horse business owner learn the art of selling.

Listen to the two-part conversation with Chris Stein on all major podcast players or head to HowtoMarketYourHorseBusiness.com.

In the first part, you’ll learn how to overcome some of the common barriers to selling as well as plenty of practical ideas to help you do it well. The second part is all about specific strategies for selling tangible products.

“Chris did a great job sharing insights from his years of sales experience for well-known western brands while providing plenty of practical examples for the everyday horse business owner,” said Denise. “From trainers to lesson bars to breeding facilities and everything in between, if you’ve ever said, “I’m not good at selling,” this conversation is for you.”

About Stormlily Marketing
Denise Alvarez is a horse girl who also loves marketing. As host of the How to Market Your Horse Business Podcast and owner of Stormlily Marketing, she helps horse businesses turn their website visitors into their customers through coaching, website design and content, and email marketing strategy. If you want to grow your business but you’d rather be out with the horses than at your computer trying to figure out marketing, Stormlily Marketing is here for you.

Media Contact:
Denise Alvarez
Stormlily Marketing

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