New Release in Book Series

Heather Wallace is a returning adult equestrian and mama writing about her own journey to be bold in the horse world and beyond. She started riding again after having her daughter, and things were a little different. Horses seemed higher up and she didn’t bounce like she used to do either. Despite being less flexible and still overthinking everything, she finally buys a pony of her own. That’s when the real confidence-building begins.

Available on May 1, 2022, Adulting with Horses continues where the award-winning Confessions of a Timid Rider leaves off. Heather finally gets a pony of her own and with that, the freedom to do things her way. If Confessions is “how it started”, then Adulting with Horses is “how it’s going”. Don’t miss how a timid rider steps out of her comfort zone and focuses on being just a little bit bold both in the saddle and out.

Adulting with Horses, Book Two of the Confessions of a Timid Rider series.

By Heather Wallace

Published by Water Horse Press

Copyright 2022, All rights reserved.

$5.99 US Kindle Ebook; $12.95 US Paperback

Publication date: May 1, 2022. Now available for preorder at in paperback at  and ebook preorder on Amazon.

About the Author
Heather Wallace is short, sassy, and bold on the ground but not in the saddle! She is on a personal journey as a returning adult equestrian to follow her passion despite struggling with anxiety, trying to balance motherhood, and build a small business. Of course, she can’t do it alone! She has Ferrous, her confidence-building pony and Delight, her heart horse and an off-track Thoroughbred who challenges her in every way.

She is the award-winning author of non-fiction books Confessions of a Timid Rider, Adulting with Horses, and Girl Forward: A Tale of One Woman’s Unlikely Adventure in Mongolia as well as the awarding winning blog, The Timid Rider.

Heather lives in New Jersey with her husband, three daughters, three rescue dogs, and her horses (of course!). Learn more at

Heather Wallace
The Timid Rider;
Phone: 732-784-7195

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