Turn Contacts Into Customers [FREE BEGINNER’S GUIDE]

Are you ready to reach more people + spend more time in the barn/arena/saddle + turn your new contacts into your clients?

Your email list is the key.

No matter your size, niche, or discipline, every horse business can benefit from an active and engaged email list.

Who wouldn’t want to have a list of people who know, like, and trust you, and are ready to buy what you have to offer?

If you think email marketing sounds too complicated, or just can’t do tech, then The Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing for Horse Businesses is for you.

In this FREE guide from Stormlily Marketing, you’ll get specific action steps so that you can make the most of this handy marketing tool this year.

“One of the biggest marketing challenges I hear from horse business owners is knowing how to get their social media followers or even their expo booth stop-ins to become their customers,” says Denise Alvarez, owner of Stormlily Marketing and host of the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast.

“Once they realize that email marketing isn’t ‘just for the big guys’ then they want to know how to get started,” says Alvarez. “That’s why I created this free guide.”


  • Who should get your emails
  • How to build your email list
  • What to put in your emails
  • How to get results

It’s totally free, so what do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing. But, you do have a lot to gain when you get it and take action.

Head to Stormlily.com/emailguide to get your free guide.

Associations and publications are invited to share this opportunity with their audience. Just use this link: https://www.stormlily.com/emailguide

About Stormlily Marketing
Denise Alvarez is a horse girl who also loves marketing. As host of the How to Market Your Horse Business Podcast and owner of Stormlily Marketing, she helps horse businesses turn their website visitors into their customers through coaching, website design and content, and email marketing strategy. If you want to grow your business but you’d rather be out with the horses than at your computer trying to figure out marketing, Stormlily Marketing is here for you.

Media Contact:
Denise Alvarez
Stormlily Marketing

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