Manna Pro Reveals “Spirit of Giving” December Social Media Horse Product Giveaways

Comment on Manna Pro Facebook and Instagram posts for a chance to win free products for your horses

Manna Pro reveals its “Spirit of Giving” social media event featuring 12 days of free horse product giveaways on the company’s Facebook and Instagram. Giveaway items will include equine nutritional supplements, grooming products, fly control, treats, and wound care.

To be eligible for the giveaways, follow Manna Pro on Facebook and Instagram and comment on each account’s  “Spirit of Giving” daily posts, December 8th – 20th. Commenting on the posts automatically enters one in each equine product giveaway. Winners will be announced by Manna Pro Instagram and Facebook.

“We appreciate how much Manna Pro customers love and care for their horses,” shared Teri Nichols, Manna Pro Equine Brand Manager. “The Spirit of Giving product giveaway is a way for Manna Pro to share products that horse owners will enjoy and use to enhance and nurture their horses’ lives.”

Across the United States, horse owners choose Manna Pro products to optimize their horses’ health, wealth being, and performance. Here are a just a few of the many 5 star reviews on why customers trust Manna Pro products:

Max-E-Glo: 5 star review

“I have been feeding this product in all stages of my mare’s life. From her championship competition years to her retirement. She is now a healthy retired 29 year old who looks and feels great. She looks forward to her special bucket every night.”

~ Vachon RVT, Spokane Valley, Washington

Calf Manna: 5 star review

“I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on supplements for my animals with little to no improvements. Calf-Manna is a game changer!! Not only do I buy one bag for all my animals but they ALL have improved with this supplement. BEST supplement out there with no added fillers. You have a customer for life!!”

~ Ericav1111, Alma, KS

Senior Weight Accelerator: 5 star review

“I have a 30 year old Appendix gelding, Murphy, that is doing just great! But he was losing weight. After I had his teeth checked and had the Vet do a work up, we could find no reason why he was losing body weight, except that as an older horse, this can and does happen. A horse’s metabolism and body changes as they age. Since I was still riding him every day, I had to find a fix. The Manna Pro Senior Weight Accelerator was just what I needed. I was hesitant to try it at first because he is so picky about “flavors”. But sure enough he liked this one! After using this for 6 weeks, I can definitely see an improvement. Murphy’s ribs are now nicely covered!”

~ Luv4Dals, Port Crane, NY

Corona Ointment: 5 star review “My gelding LOVES to scratch himself on all sorts of things: trees, the ground, fence posts. With this said, he always finds a way to nick himself and create scabs, especially considering the top and bottom of our fencing is lined with a single string of barbed wire. Corona ointment has done a great job so far with helping him heal and restore his skin and coat back to its normal state. It’s been a life saver for dealing with scarring and softening the skin to prevent further damage.”

~ Bs74, Texas

*All above reviews are from the Manna Pro website.

Cool Calories

Click this Facebook post link to see pictures of a 60 day “before and after” transformation.

~ Kristi C in St. Louis, MO

Manna Pro Equine products can be conveniently purchased at brick and mortar retailers nationwide and online.  Easily locate retailers via the “Where To Buy” website link.

About Manna Pro
Manna Pro is a recognized leader in the care and nurturing of pets with roots going back to 1842 and long-established brands in companion pet, equine, backyard chicken, and small animal categories.

For more information visit and join us on Facebook and Instagram.


Manna Pro product images are available via request to .

Media Contact:
Teri Nichols
Equine Brand Manager