2022 Equine Community Survey- Only Open For One More Week

The 2022 Equine Community Survey will be open for about one more week only and will close on November 1st. The Rutgers Equine Science Center, which is conducting this important national survey, is still actively looking for more participants. The survey takes only about 10 minutes to complete and can be accessed through this link: https://go.rutgers.edu/2022NeedsAssessmentSurvey.

More information about the survey project can be found in the original press release about this study, which is included below.

The goal of this project is to identify the most pressing needs of the equine community and to obtain more information about the demographics of this group. The data will be used to improve the extension programs that the Rutgers Equine Science Center offers to individuals involved with horses, like yourself. The Center provides various in-person and virtual events, as well as multiple online resources which are available to, and used by, horse enthusiasts across the U.S., and even abroad.

“We value every response to the survey,” said Dr. Karyn Malinowski, Founding Director of the Rutgers Equine Science Center. “Thus, if you have 10 minutes to spare, please consider participating in this survey.”

Original Press Release

What is most important to members of the equine industry? To answer this question and more, the Rutgers Equine Science Center is conducting the 2022 Equine Industry Needs Assessment Survey.

You are invited to participate in this survey if you are over 18 years old and involved in the U.S. equine industry, e.g., by riding horses, owning horses, running a horse-related business, or by being involved in any other way. Use this link: https://go.rutgers.edu/2022NeedsAssessmentSurvey to share your views and opinions in this ~10 min anonymous survey. The survey will be available through November 1st, 2022.

“Everyone’s opinion matters for this project”, said Dr. Malinowski, Director of the Rutgers Equine Science Center. “The main goal of this survey is to help us better understand how the Rutgers Equine Science Center can best support members of the equine industry in New Jersey and nationwide. Other aims are to learn more about the different groups that are part of the equine industry with regard to their demographics, interests, and the issues that are important to them”, she said.

If you have any questions about this project, you can reach out to the study coordinator, Dr. Alisa Herbst. She can be contacted by email: ach158@sebs.rutgers.edu or phone: 848-932-3761.

About Rutgers Equine Science Center
The Equine Science Center is a unit of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Its mission is “Better Horse Care through Research and Education” in order to advance the well-being and performance of horses and the equine industry. Its vision is to be recognized throughout New Jersey as well as nationally and internationally for its achievements in identifying issues in the horse industry, finding solutions through science-based inquiry, providing answers to the horse industry and to horse owners, and influencing public policy to ensure the viability of the horse industry.