A Tranquil Trot:  Music Helps Reduce Stress in Horses

By , September 28, 2021

Boehringer Ingelheim releases music track, advice to help horse owners manage equine moments of stress Boehringer Ingelheim is focused on helping keep horses safe and “sound” when it comes to stress with the release of a music track, called Equine Relax Trax, specially designed to help reduce stress in horses. Research shows stress can quickly …

Have You Heard? Horizon Structures New Website Has Launched and Made A Big Splash

By , September 27, 2021

Leading prefab/modular horse barn producer Horizon Structures LLC, based in Atglen, PA, is pleased to announce the launch of their new website. The site is different from the ‘average bear’ website, in that it offers a phenomenal resource on all things horse, canine and comfort that horse and pet owners alike can utilize to bring …

Early Bird Registration for Certified Horsemanship Association  International Conference in November in Fort Worth Ends This Week

By , September 27, 2021

The Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) International Conference is scheduled for November 9 – 11, 2021 at the Fort Worth Stockyards in Texas. Speakers at this event include riding instructors, horse trainers, barn managers, equine behaviorists, equine association representatives, business and marketing consultants, and other equine professionals. Those wishing to attend the conference should register today …

IEA Hosts Western Competition at the All American Quarter Horse Congress

By , September 27, 2021

The Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) is pleased to partner with the Ohio Quarter Horse Association (OQHA) to host the first ever IEA Western Horse Show during the All American Quarter Horse Congress. The competition will take place on Thursday, October 7, 2021 at the Ohio State Expo Center Fairgrounds in Columbus, Ohio. The “IEA@Congress” show is …

Journal Brings Home Awards

By , September 27, 2021

The American Quarter Horse Journal recently earned several top awards from the Livestock Publications Council and American Horse Publications writing, photography, illustration and design awards contests. The newly redesigned American Quarter Horse Journal recently brought home several awards from two professional organizations. In July, the Journal won the prestigious James Flanagan Most Improved Publication and General Excellence Publication …

Ohio and Kentucky Equestrian Directories Will Be at EQUITANA!

By , September 25, 2021

ENSO Media Group is proud to sponsor and exhibit at the much-anticipated EQUITANA USA, October 1-3, 2021 at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky. Come visit us in Booth 529 in the Covered Arena on Friday and Saturday from 9AM – 6PM and Sunday from 9AM – 5PM. Pick up your complimentary copy of …

Soaring Market Generates Positive Results at Keeneland September Yearling Sale

By , September 24, 2021

Keeneland’s September Yearling Sale, a bellwether event for the Thoroughbred industry, concluded Friday with gross sales of $352 million, sixth-highest in sale history, and record cumulative average and median prices. Large crowds of enthusiastic buyers and buoyant trade from start to finish of the 11-day auction drove a record high clearance rate of just over …

Certified Horsemanship Association at Equitana USA

By , September 24, 2021

Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) will have a booth at Equitana USA in Lexington, Kentucky October 1 – 3, 2021. CHA’s Chief Executive Officer, Christy Landwehr, will be speaking on Risk Management in Riding Programs, Teaching Techniques for Riding Instructors and Working with At-Risk Youth Riding Programs. Visit here to get your tickets today and see …

GGT Footing™ is Going to Be at Equitana Trade Fair, Booth 531

By , September 24, 2021

Please stop by and meet your local sales representatives for a private consult-and sign up for a prize! GGT Footing is a proud sponsor of the footing at the Kentucky Horse Park! GGT Footing offers all types of arena textiles and arena conditioners as well as water free footing. Meet Amanda Wild West Coast Representative …

Horseware Ireland® Revamps Iconic Rambo® Line for Autumn/Winter 2021

By , September 23, 2021

Horseware Ireland® is excited to announce the revamp of its iconic Rambo® collection for the Autumn/Winter 2021 season. Across the range features include improved upgrades along with a fresh look in striking color ways as well as new weight options. When asked what inspired the upgrades, Product Innovation Manager, Clare Silke, responded “Rambo is a …

EQUUS Foundation Awards Over $631,000 in Grants in 2021

By , September 23, 2021

The EQUUS Foundation announced today the award of over $631,000 in grants, including awards of new and gently used riding apparel, valued at $313,864, to individual riders in need, scholastic riding programs, pony clubs, equestrian camp programs and equine charities through The Rider’s Closet program. Primary support is awarded to equine charities nationwide that save …

Renowned Animal Scientist Dr. Temple Grandin at Natural Horsemanship Conference Shares “Secret” to Calm, Safe and Happy Horses  “Let The Horse Be A Horse”

By , September 23, 2021

The Montana Center for Horsemanship and Equus International Film Festival, in partnership with Montana Western (University), just wrapped the first natural horsemanship conference with the world’s leading animal behavior scientist, Dr. Temple Grandin. At “Horse, Human and Nature” Temple’s overriding message – “Let the horse be a horse.”  Grandin counseled students, horse enthusiasts, equestrians, social …

Racecourse Managers Learn Ways to Make Their Tracks Safer During UK Grading School

By , September 23, 2021

In horse racing, safety of the horse and rider is paramount. A University of Kentucky professor and leading racecourse managers recently showed racetrack employees how to improve safety by properly grading the surface. “The track’s subgrade is the foundation and without a good foundation, you can’t have a good structure, which is your track’s cushion,” said Harrison Young, assistant …

The Grooms “Got It!”

By , September 23, 2021

In becoming an official partner of the British Grooms Association and sponsoring The Grooms Award in North America, Haygain recognizes its products’ earliest adopters. Haygain is excited to formalize its long-time partnership with grooms as an Official Partner of the British Grooms Association.  The alliance builds on an existing sponsorship of The Grooms Award, Ltd, …

Teton Ridge Acquires “The American” and Pledges to Make It the World’s Premiere Western Culture Event

By , September 23, 2021

More than $3 million purse positions “The American” as the richest single-day event in all of rodeo and classic western sports Teton Ridge, an emerging brand dedicated to promoting and preserving America’s iconic western culture and cowboy-inspired sporting events, announced today that it has acquired The American, with the promise of elevating the rodeo event …

Demand for Donkey Hides, Used to Make Ejiao, has Built a Lucrative Trade Industry, Endangering the Livelihoods of Those who Rely on Them

By , September 22, 2021

Brooke USA calls on Amazon to Ban the Sale of Ejiao Half the world’s donkey population could be wiped out in the next five years, as millions are slaughtered to meet the rising demand for “ejiao”, a gelatin-based traditional Chinese medicine derived from boiling the hides of donkeys. Believed to improve blood circulation and treat …

Dees, Ivy and Blankenship Join Roping.com in Fall 2021

By , September 22, 2021

Adding fresh training and roping perspectives, JR Dees, Lane Ivy and Kirby Blankenship join legendary coaches Jake Barnes, Clay Cooper, Matt Sherwood, Trevor Brazile and Patrick Smith on the official instructional site of The Team Roping Journal. Bringing in a diverse set of perspectives and skills, JR Dees, Lane Ivy and Kirby Blankenship are joining …

Research on the Nutrition and Management of Aging, Laminitic and Obese Horses to be a Focus of Upcoming Veterinary CE Webinars this Fall

By , September 22, 2021

Pat Harris MA, PhD, VetMB, DipECVCN, MRCVS & RCVS Specialist in Clinical Nutrition (equine), will deliver research updates to deepen our understanding of equine aging, laminitis and obesity. Nettie Liburt, PhD, PAS and Amy Polkes, DVM, DACVIM are also presenters as part of the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Equine Veterinary Continuing Education Series.    The scientific community has …

TLC for our Senior Horses!

By , September 22, 2021

Check-ups and check-ins still required for equine health and welfare  Trusty steed Sparky is ready to “retire”, but what exactly does that mean?  Certainly, there are management changes when it comes to the senior horse.  While there may be savings in some areas, there are still serious commitments of both time and finances to make …

Equine Network’s Horse Week Event Brought to You by Boehringer Ingelheim is Uniting the Equine Industry

By , September 22, 2021

On Oct 3-9th,  over twenty equine associations will join the Equine Network in the inaugural Horse Week, an event brought to you by Boehringer Ingelheim.  This event, which has been a collaborative effort by equine leaders across the industry, is a unique effort to provide free, high-quality educational and inspiring content streamed in an equine …

EQUUS Foundation Announces 2021 Platinum Performance Horse Welfare Award Recipients

By , September 22, 2021

The EQUUS Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2021 Platinum Performance Horse Welfare Awards. Five EQUUS Foundation Guardian charities received a $500 cash award and a $500 gift card for Platinum Performance products to be used by the charity for the care of one of their horses. In addition, another five horses received $250 …

WIHS Qualified Lists Are Now Online

By , September 22, 2021

Check the Standings. Are You In? The qualifying lists for 2021 Washington International Horse Show CSI4*-W presented by MARS Equestrian™ are now available online. If your name appears on a qualifying list and you have not received your acceptance package by Monday, September 27, please email WIHS Show Secretary Brett Waters at WIHSSecretary@wihs.org. The acceptance process must be …

EquiManagement Shines in AHP Awards

By , September 21, 2021

EquiManagement continued its winning ways at the 2021 American Horse Publications Equine Media Awards. A highlight of the AHP’s “Back in the Saddle” Conference, the awards dinner was held on the evening of September 18 in Irving, Texas. An Equine Network brand focused on the equine veterinary industry, EquiManagement clinched top honors in the “Breaking …

Third Annual Thoroughbred Aftercare Summit to Take Place at Thoroughbred Makeover

By , September 20, 2021

The third annual Thoroughbred Aftercare Summit on Tuesday, October 12 will kick off a week of Thoroughbred-centered activities at the Retired Racehorse Project’s Thoroughbred Makeover and National Symposium, presented by Thoroughbred Charities of America. The Thoroughbred Aftercare Summit is the joint effort of the Retired Racehorse Project (RRP), Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA), The Jockey Club …

The United States Eventing Association (USEA) Shows Support for Horse Week Event Brought to You by Boehringer Ingelheim

By , September 20, 2021

Equine Network is thrilled to have the support of the United States Eventing Association (USEA) for the inaugural Horse Week event brought to you by Boehringer Ingelheim. USEA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization committed to providing eventing enthusiasts with a competitive level suited to their individual skills. By assisting and educating competitors, event organizers, …

Breyer Horses Receives the 2021 Equine Industry Vision Award

By , September 17, 2021

Honored for outstanding Leadership and Innovation within the Equine Industry Breyer, a division of Reeves International was named the recipient of the 20th Annual Equine Industry Vision Award.  Zoetis, in partnership with American Horse Publications (AHP), presented the award to Breyer® Horses on September 17, 2021 at the AHP Equine Media Conference in Irving, Texas.  …

Quarter Horse News Announces Bundle with Western Horseman

By , September 17, 2021

Award-winning media outlet Quarter Horse News (QHN) is joining forces with the iconic Western Horseman brand to offer a dynamic package to performance horse enthusiasts. The Western Horseman + QHN Insider Bundle gives readers a window into the Western lifestyle, while also providing them with the timely information and statistical analysis they have always enjoyed with …

The ASPCA® Unveils Recipients of the 2021 Humane Awards

By , September 17, 2021

The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) today announced the recipients of its 2021 ASPCA Humane Awards. The annual Humane Awards honors animal heroes who have gone above and beyond their traditional roles to help humans, as well as people making significant strides to improve animal welfare, in line with the …

AHC Announces September 20, 2021 Webinar

By , September 17, 2021

Are you worried about climate change and how its effects are impacting your horses?  Between record hot temperatures and smoky air, the summer months have become a dreaded time for many people and their horses. Join AHC on Monday September 20th at 1:00 PM ET to hear from two experts: Corey Scott, Livestock Services Lead …

Harness Horse Youth Foundation Participated in the 2021 Dan Patch Festival Parade

By , September 17, 2021

The Harness Horse Youth Foundation in cooperation with the Indiana chapter of the United States Harness Writers Association participated in the 2021 Dan Patch Festival Parade to help commemorate the horse’s 125th birthday in Oxford, Indiana. Participants included Sonora and Jeff Dever, Bryce Nickells, Abigail, Lydia and James Platz, Chloe and Sandy Tetrick, Bob Heyden, Ellen …

Horseware Ireland® Releases Amigo® Bravo 12 Reflectech Plus in US Exclusive Color Combo

By , September 15, 2021

Horseware Ireland®, the global and market leading producer of branded equestrian and pet products including turnouts, clothing, therapies, and accessories, released a US exclusive color combination in its Amigo® Bravo 12 Reflectech Plus 250g turnout for the Autumn Winter 2021 collection. The fabric used in the Relectech line uses a reflective yarn that’s woven into …

Riding & Writing Blog Tells the Story of Remembering Shawne

By , September 15, 2021

Gina McKnight, Monday Creek Publishing, author, freelance writer, equestrian, blogger, and poet invites readers to explore her international blog, Riding & Writing, about horses, writers, authors, books, cowboys, equestrians, photographers, artists, poets, poems, and more horses.  Remembering Shawnee   –  Ohio rider Peggy Jo Clark tells her story of Shawnee, her trusty trail horse of over thirty years. Peggy …

The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. Shows Support for Horse Week Event Brought to You by Boehringer Ingelheim

By , September 15, 2021

Equine Network is thrilled to have the support of the United States Pony Clubs for the inaugural Horse Week. The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. (USPC) is an educational organization which builds the foundations of teamwork and sportsmanship through riding, mounted sports, care of horses and ponies, while developing and enhancing leadership, confidence, responsibility, and …

Horizon Structures Presents Series: Ditches, Dirt and Disasters

By , September 15, 2021

If you are planning a new barn or kennel build it’s a good idea to set your sights on the best site possible.  Disasters such as flooded stalls, damaged roofs, sliding doors that stick and windows that won’t work, may all stem from poor site selection and mediocre site preparation. The melee of weather seen …

John and Leslie Malone Honored with the Robert N. Clay Conservation Award

By , September 13, 2021

Equine Land Conservation Resource (ELCR) is pleased to announce that John and Leslie Malone were recognized as the recipients of the 2021 Robert N. Clay Conservation Award during the Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association (TOBA) 35th National Awards Dinner on September 11th in Lexington, Kentucky. The award, established in 2014 as a partnership between TOBA …

Tickets Available for Mustang Magic’s Return to Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo

By , September 13, 2021

The Mustang Heritage Foundation is excited to announce the highly anticipated return of the Mustang Magic Celebrity Freestyle during the 2022 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo in Fort Worth. Mustang Magic performances will take place at the Will Rogers Coliseum, January 21–22, 2022, and tickets are available now for purchase through the Fort Worth …

Hot Off The Press Fabulous Features From Seasoned Writer Nikki Alvin-Smith

By , September 13, 2021

Just released! A new batch of fresh fabulous feature articles focused on dressage and flat training from British international Grand Prix competitor/coach/clinician Nikki Alvin-Smith are available at her online store NikkiAlvinSmithStudio.com Written from her unique Brit/American perspective as an international level competitor/coach/clinician with a multi-discipline equestrian background, Nikki’s articles are created with a keen eye …

Seeking Intern for The Bookstore for Horse Lovers

By , September 10, 2021

The Bookstore for Horse Lovers launched in 2020 to promote and highlight our unique community and reach potential readers without getting lost in the shuffle of big-box stores. The site is growing and I am looking for a self-starting intern interested in building their marketing and branding resume. I am looking for someone to help …

Keeneland and Kentucky Downs Team to Offer Lucrative Racing Opportunities to Horses Sold at the September Sale

By , September 10, 2021

Horses offered at auction during the upcoming Keeneland September Yearling Sale will be eligible to run in a pair of $250,000 allowance races at the 2022 FanDuel Meet at Kentucky Downs. Keeneland and Kentucky Downs today announced an arrangement where Kentucky Downs will stage one $250,000 allowance race for 2-year-old fillies and one for 2-year-old …

Thoroughbred Charities of America Returns as Title Sponsor of the Thoroughbred Makeover and National Symposium

By , September 9, 2021

Fulfilling its commitment to improving the lives and welfare of Thoroughbred racehorses both on and off the track, Thoroughbred Charities of America (TCA) has returned as the title sponsor of the Retired Racehorse Project’s Thoroughbred Makeover and National Symposium. The 2021 edition of the RRP’s banner event is being called the “Mega-Makeover” and will welcome …

Premier Equestrian Launches Arion™ Smart Arena™, the World’s First Arena System That Saves Up to 75% More Water Than Traditional Systems

By , September 9, 2021

Premier Equestrian, Inc., is excited to announce the launch of Arion™ Smart Arena™, the world’s first arena system of its kind. The Arion Smart Arena utilizes smart technology to effectively save up to 75% water usage compared to overhead watering systems. The Arion Smart Arena automatically maintains the desired hydration in your footing layer for …

Shop Corro for the Compton Cowboys

By , September 9, 2021

Over $3,500 in Much Needed Supplies Donated to Date A new partnership between Corro (corroshop.com), NoelleFloyd.com, and The Compton Cowboys allows horse lovers to support the Cowboys and their vision from anywhere in the world. The Compton Cowboys are known for a mission to support inner-city youth and their community through horseback riding and combat …

AHC Membership Drive Winner Announced

By , September 9, 2021

In conjunction with the American Horse Council’s (AHC) Annual Membership Drive held in August 2021, AHC is delighted to congratulate Healing Arenas Inc. of Escalon, CA, the winner of a John Deere S240 Lawn Mower, valued at $2,600.00, provided by AHC partner Equine Discounts! The announcement was made by AHC President Julie Broadway who stated …

Renowned Veterinarian and Researcher Dr. Hilary Clayton Has High Praise for The Forager Slow Feeder by Haygain

By , September 8, 2021

Dr. Hilary Clayton is a veterinarian, researcher, horse owner and dressage rider. The academic titles following her name — BVMS, PhD, Dipl. ACVSMR and FRCVS — represent a lifetime spent studying and forming actionable revelations on equine movement as it applies to sport horse welfare, conditioning and performance. She walks her talk: Dr. Clayton and …

ATTENTION MEDIA: Keeneland Launches PhotoShelter to Provide Digital Assets for Editorial Use

By , September 8, 2021

Beginning with the 2021 September Yearling Sale, Keeneland will offer photos and video for editorial use and archive press releases and other press materials via the PhotoShelter digital asset management system. The PhotoShelter system replaces the Keeneland FTP site.  September Sale images The September Sale will cover 11 sessions from Sept. 13-24. The following images …

Hagyard Equine Medical Institute Launches First Annual “Race To Give” Campaign September 8th to Support Thoroughbred Aftercare

By , September 8, 2021

Partners with Thoroughbred Charities of America and other prominent Thoroughbred industry organizations to raise funds, increase awareness and showcase the people who support and work in aftercare Today, Hagyard Equine Medical Institute and Thoroughbred Charities of America (TCA) enthusiastically announced the launch of the “Race to Give,” an online giving and awareness program to support …

Annual UK Equine Career and Opportunity Fair to Showcase Industry Professions for Current and Future College Students

By , September 8, 2021

University of Kentucky Ag Equine Programs will host a Career and Opportunity Fair at 5 p.m. EDT Sept. 29 in the UK Student Center Ballrooms. The annual event is free and open to all current and future college students who are interested in learning more about the myriad of professional opportunities that exist in the equine industry, an …

Barnes, Cooper and Sherwood Drop New Roping.com Video Series for Fall 2021

By , September 8, 2021

Jake Barnes, Clay O’Brien Cooper and Matt Sherwood built new video series to prepare ropers for Ariat World Series of Team Roping Finale and beyond. Long-time Roping,com coaches and World Champions Jake Barnes, Clay O’Brien Cooper and Matt Sherwood will release dozens of new videos this fall focusing on fine-tuning ropers for competition at the …

Colorado Riders: Register to Ride with Julie Goodnight at Arapahoe Park Racetrack

By , September 7, 2021

Horsemanship Clinic Benefits Colorado Horse Council’s Annual Heritage Ride  Julie Goodnight is excited to join the Colorado Horse Council’s Annual Heritage Ride, offering a 2-hour horsemanship clinic at Arapahoe Park Racetrack on September 11, 2021. Riders and spectators can register at EquineCityHall.org by September 8, 2021. Six lucky riders will pay an extra $100 fee to …

Veterinary CE Event Aims to Bring Cutting Edge Diagnostic Information to Support Laminitic, Obese and Senior Horses to Help an Ever-Growing Population of Horses Aged 20+ Years

By , September 7, 2021

Amy Polkes, DVM, DACVIM will present the latest information on diagnostic and wellness testing recommendations for laminitic, obese and senior horses, along with information on how to talk to owners about the changing medical needs of these special cases. Nettie Liburt, PhD, PAS and Pat Harris, MA, PhD, VetMB, DipECVCN, MRCVS & RCVS are also …

Lenas Wright On Crosses NRCHA Million-Dollar Mark

By , September 7, 2021

The latest stallion to enter the elite ranks of National Reined Cow Horse Association million-dollar sires is Lenas Wright On, a 1991 stallion by Smart Little Lena and out of Slide Me Again (by Isle Breeze). As of August 31, the stallion’s offspring have earned $1,004,150.40 in reined cow horse earnings. Purchased in 2006 by …

Statement on Convicted Horse Abuser Jackie McConnell Returning to Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration

By , September 7, 2021

Following a report by BillyGoBoy.com, that convicted Tennessee Walking Horse abuser Jackie McConnell attended the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration on Friday night, Animal Wellness Action (AWA) executive director Marty Irby released the following statement: “Allowing Jackie McConnell to return to the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration is a disgrace that has given both the Celebration and Governor …

Gina McKnight’s Riding & Writing Blog Features an Interview Celia Bunge. Miami International Riding Club

By , September 4, 2021

Gina McKnight, Monday Creek Publishing, author, freelance writer, equestrian, blogger, and poet invites readers to explore her international blog, Riding & Writing, about horses, writers, authors, books, cowboys, equestrians, photographers, artists, poets, poems, and more horses. Miami International Riding Club: An Interview with Celia Bunge   – At the tip of Florida is a beautiful place to learn about horses. …

Don’t Labor Over Content ~ Take Advantage of These Labor Day Specials for Fabulous Fresh Content For Both Equine and Pet Industry Instead

By , September 4, 2021

Many horse owners are dog owners too, and seasoned writer Nikki Alvin-Smith writes for both the equine and pet industry providing fresh feature articles that can be incorporated into published content channels wherever they live. “My website store offers a myriad of articles ready to go, that can be utilized for magazine publishers but also …

Rugged Painted Lark Officially Retires at Equitana USA October 1-3, 2021

By , September 3, 2021

Lynn Palm and her American Paint Horse, Rugged Painted Lark, will say farewell during their clinics and evening show, EQUUS Evolution, at Equitana USA. Rugged Painted Lark is no stranger to the spotlight. Bruce, as he is affectionately known, is a 1997 son of the famed American Quarter Horse, Rugged Lark. His stellar lineage coupled …

Final Week to Enter the Washington International Horse Show

By , September 2, 2021

Only one week remains to get your entries in for the Washington International Horse Show (WIHS) presented by MARS EquestrianTM. Entries will close Tuesday, September 7. Enjoy six days and three nights of great sport with more classes, two competition arenas, and increased prize money. The 63rd annual WIHS will be held October 26-31, 2021, …

Leading Irish Equestrian Company Horseware Ireland Launches New Tagline & Film, Through It All.

By , September 2, 2021

Horseware Ireland, the global and market leading producer of branded equestrian and pet products including rugs, clothing, therapies, and accessories, is thrilled to launch a new global campaign entitled, Through it All. ‘Through it All’ celebrates the unwavering commitment, dedication, passion, and trust between horse and rider. The global brand awareness campaign will run on …

FREE Horse Event – Virtual Online Summit – 18 Equestrian Expert Speakers

By , September 2, 2021

I am Missy Wryn of Training the WHOLE Horse® and I am SO excited to share this news with you!   I’ve been holding it back for months now waiting for just the right time to kick off the promotion, and that day is finally here! Introducing the Equestrian Fast-Track Summit! September 14th-16th 2021 This Virtual Summit …

Animal Groups Highlight Scofflaw Participation at Walking Horse Event and Renew Call for Federal Reforms

By , September 2, 2021

The Humane Society Legislative Fund and the Humane Society of the United States have written to the United States Department of Agriculture about flagrant violations and flouting of the Horse Protection Act at the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration, the annual multi-day pinnacle event for a faction of the horse show world that applauds and …

Home & Away: Steamed Hay is Here to Stay for Team Irwin Dressage

By , September 1, 2021

Tina and Jaimey Irwin like a busy lifestyle. They have dressage horses competing at or on their way to the international levels and a steady stream of developing young horses and sales prospects. They average 25 horses in their beautiful Stoney Lake Equestrian facility in Stouffville: their own, their clients’ and sales prospects, and they …

Donate Your Products/Services to Reach over 12,000 Equine Facility Managers/Riding Instructors with the Certified Horsemanship Association Online Silent Auction

By , September 1, 2021

Certified Horsemanship Association needs your donations for an Online Silent Auction we are hosting this year in November and December with our launch date at our Annual Membership Meeting on November 9, 2021. Visit this link today to put in your products and services that you want to donate to share what you do with …

BreakawayRoping.com Launches Sept. 1 with Industry-Changing Coaching from Lari Dee Guy, Madison Outhier and Other Breakaway Elite

By , September 1, 2021

The on-demand video platform BreakawayRoping.com brings together the leaders in breakaway roping and horsemanship to reshape the way ropers at every level study and practice. After a summer of filming, the subscription streaming site BreakawayRoping.com launched Sept. 1. The new on-demand video platform was created by the staff of The Breakaway Roping Journal in partnership …

National Cutting Horse Association Announces Added Money to Futurity Purse

By , September 1, 2021

The National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) is thrilled to announce the addition of $600,000 in added money to the upcoming 2021 NCHA Metallic Cat World Championship Futurity to be held November 17 – December 11, 2021 at the Will Rogers Memorial Complex in Fort Worth, Texas. The $600,000 in added money will be divided among …

Animal Passion Podcast Launches with Premier Episode on Tennessee Walking Horse Abuse Featuring Leading Anti-Soring Advocate Marty Irby  

By , August 31, 2021

Series Highlights Abusive Practice of Soring During Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration Occurring this Week Today, Alaqua Animal Refuge announced the launch of the Animal Passion video podcast series. Hosted by Alaqua Founder Laurie Hood, Animal Passion spotlights the work of advocates from all around the globe—the “difference makers” who have dedicated their lives to …

Kimes Ranch Team Shines at The Run for A Million Inaugural Cow Horse Event

By , August 31, 2021

When it was announced that reining’s richest event, The Run for the Million, was adding a $150,000 added cow horse fence challenge to its 2021 schedule, the excitement level for this already thrilling weekend of competition was kicked up a notch. 15 of the NRCHA’s top professionals were invited to the South Point in Las …

NO Games – NO Food – NO Devices Required!

By , August 31, 2021

I was raised riding Dressage from the age of 6, but after 2 concussions in one summer I realized my horse didn’t like me at all as I watched her trot off down the street to visit the neighboring horses.  I longed for an “authentic deep connection” with my horse, the kind of relationship I …

Monty Roberts: New 2022 Dates Added in Sunny California  

By , August 31, 2021

2022 is going to be an exciting year at Monty Roberts’ International Learning Center in sunny California! Monty Roberts is entering his 33rd year of teaching the methods of non-violent training of horses, both in the saddle and from the ground. Come learn from sessions with Monty and his instructors to gain skills in these gentle …

Monty Roberts Seeking Interns for his Horse Adoption Program 

By , August 31, 2021

The Monty Roberts Mustang and Transition Horse Program at Flag Is Up Farms has been successfully training and placing horses in new homes and new careers. The training center is more active than ever, given that Monty Roberts, the world renowned horse trainer is home, masterfully coaching horses and riders alike to improve their skills in a …

Back in Tulsa, 2021 National & Youth World Appaloosa Show a Big Success

By , August 31, 2021

With great success, the Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) took the National and 2021 Youth World Championship Appaloosa Show back to Tulsa Expo Square in Tulsa, Oklahoma, July 26–August 1 for the first time since 2012. Now in its 73rd year, the 2021 show saw an increase from the 2019 show in horses, entries, and exhibitors …

Horses and Healing: Operation Wild Horse

By , August 31, 2021

Illinois-based program unites wild horses and veterans  In the serene countryside of northern Illinois, not even 1.5 hours from Chicago, sits an equestrian center with an important mission – one that is curating the healing of veterans through close-knit bonds made with Mustangs. Operation Wild Horse (OWH) is a program of Veterans R&R, providing “a …

UK Equine Farm and Facilities Expo to Be Held Sept. 28

By , August 31, 2021

Participants will have the opportunity to visit a premier Central Kentucky horse farm and learn about the steps they have taken to improve their pastures. Photo courtesy of the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and Ag Equine Programs will host the annual Farm and Facilities Expo from …

The Foundation for the Horse Working with Veterinary Groups Providing Hurricane Ida Equine Relief 

By , August 30, 2021

More help needed; donations welcome With the arrival of Hurricane Ida as a Category 4 storm with winds of 150 mph, one of the strongest hurricanes ever to hit Louisiana, The Foundation for the Horse is asking for financial help for horses impacted by evacuations or that otherwise may be in harm’s way. The Foundation …

Premier Equestrian Launches a New Catalog for 2021-2022 Season

By , August 30, 2021

Premier Equestrian, Inc., is pleased to announce the arrival of their new catalog for the 2021-2022 season. The catalog features more than 70 pages of Premier Equestrian products, including horse arena footing, dressage arenas, horse jumps, arena drags and groomers, barn and farm accessories, and much more. The catalog also includes helpful resources and information …

Get Back in the Saddle with Equine Affaire

By , August 30, 2021

This fall, expand your horizons by learning from a plethora of horse trainers, equestrian coaches, world and national champions and more. As the summer begins to cool and fall beckons, equestrians everywhere are looking forward to returning to Equine Affaire in Massachusetts. After hosting a successful virtual event last year, Equine Affaire will take place …

Horizon Structures Presents Series: Is Buying A Modular Horse Barn A Shortcut To A New House?

By , August 30, 2021

Calls from prospective horse barn purchasers frequently come in to modular barn building companies asking about utilizing a modular construction or prefabricated horse barn shell as a good option for the start up of their new house. The advantages of a modular horse barn build over an on site construction such as a pole barn …

WIHS Regional Show & USHJA Zone 3 Championship Prize List Now Available Online

By , August 30, 2021

The prize list for the 2021 Washington International Horse Show (WIHS) Regional Horse Show presented by TTR Sotheby’s International Realty & USHJA Zone 3 Championship is now available online at wihs.org. Running October 21-24, 2021, at Morven Park International Equestrian Center in Leesburg, Virginia, the show will feature a number of coveted traditions and awards …

Kentucky Equine Research Announces Partnership with Anderson Hay & Grain Co., Inc.

By , August 27, 2021

Kentucky Equine Research, an international equine nutrition, research, and consultation company, today announced its partnership with Anderson Hay & Grain Co., Inc. naming Anderson as the Official Research Forage of Kentucky Equine Research. Anderson Hay & Grain Co., Inc. is a third-generation company specializing in the production and sales of high-quality timothy hay, alfalfa hay, …

‘They Happen to Everyone.’ Julie Goodnight Addresses Training Setbacks & What Comes Next

By , August 27, 2021

Every rider has one thing in common—no matter the horse they ride, discipline, or skill level—the universal experience of setbacks. In Julie Goodnight’s latest episode of the popular podcast, Ride On with Julie Goodnight, she talks about how riders have far more to gain from their training setbacks than they lose—if they have the right …

Mare in Foal to Curlin among Horses Cataloged to Keeneland August Digital Sale

By , August 27, 2021

Stakes winner Super Humor, who is carrying her first foal by leading sire Curlin, is among the horses that have been cataloged to Keeneland’s August Digital Sales Ring to be held Tuesday, Aug. 31. The August Sale catalog is now available at Keenelanddigital.com. Consigned by Horseco Bloodstock, agent, Super Humor is a 9-year-old daughter of …

Horse Illustrated’s August 2021 Podcast Episode on Horses in the Morning Features Greg Otteson of Tex Sutton Equine Air Transport, Eventing Superstar Buck Davidson, and Equine Photography Usage Tips from Attorney Milt Toby

By , August 27, 2021

Audio content from the Horse Illustrated Episode of Horses in the Morning podcast continues to inspire and educate with the fourth podcast episode, released on the Horse Radio Network on August 24. Hosts Glenn the Geek, founder of the Horse Radio Network, and Sarah Evers Conrad, Horse Illustrated’s Digital Content Editor, talk to Greg Otteson …

Pony Club Awards Members College Scholarships

By , August 26, 2021

The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. has awarded a total of $6,500 in college scholarships to six Pony Club members for their outstanding achievements in academics, sportsmanship, and leadership through horsemanship. Recipients were selected through an application process administered by Pony Club, which involved essay submissions reviewed by a scholarship committee and chosen according to …

Equine Land Conservation Resource Supports Launch of Nationwide Trail Etiquette Campaign

By , August 25, 2021

Equine Land Conservation Resource (ELCR) has announced its participation in the launch of a nationwide trail etiquette campaign, “Trails Are Common Ground,” with a national coalition of trail user groups. Any trail user will tell you there are more people on the trails than ever before. According to a study commissioned by the Outdoor Industry Association, 8.1 million more …

Zane Davis and Rubys Radar Zero in to Win The Run For A Million Fence Work Challenge

By , August 25, 2021

A chance to be the first champion of The Run For A Million Fence Work Challenge, presented by Teton Ridge, brought some of the National Reined Cow Horse Association’s best bridle horses to make a run in Las Vegas, Nevada, on August 20 with the top Open NRCHA earning riders in the saddle. When the …

Dodger’s Story With Equine Cushing’s Disease

By , August 25, 2021

Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), also referred to as Equine Cushing’s disease, is one of the most common endocrine disorders in horses. After 17 years of marriage, she heard her husband say he was ready for a horse of his own. Casey Olson, an equestrian since age 5 who has ridden in everything from dressage to …

Show Ring at The New York State Fair Dedicated in Honor of Longtime Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association Supporter Naomi Blumenthal

By , August 25, 2021

The New York State Fair will rename its show ring in the Toyota Coliseum on September 4, 2021 in honor of longtime Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA) supporter, the late Naomi Blumenthal. A leader in New York’s equestrian community and a mentor to many, Blumenthal served the IHSA for more than 40 years. “We are …

Oklahoma Extreme Mustang Makeover Crowns Overall Champion

By , August 25, 2021

The 2021 Oklahoma Extreme Mustang Makeover, produced by the Mustang Heritage Foundation, named its overall champion on August 14 following an exhilarating Freestyle Finals at the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The Top Ten competed for more than $40,000 in cash and prizes during a high-stakes Freestyle Finals, followed by a hybrid live and online auction of …

Haygain Wishes Good Luck to all American Eventing Championship Participants

By , August 24, 2021

Portable HG One Haygain Hay Steamer awaits Training Amateur Division champion. Eventers were the earliest adopters of Haygain Steamed Hay when it was introduced 12 years ago, and Haygain is grateful for that launchpad to what is now widespread, global acceptance of its benefits. The company is excited to be a Contributing Level sponsor for …

Veterinary CE Event Aims to Bring Nutrition Insights to Help an Ever-Growing Population of Horses Aged 20+ Years  

By , August 24, 2021

Nettie Liburt, PhD, PAS, will present on nutritional management of senior, obese and laminitic horses alongside Pat Harris, MA, PhD, VetMB, DipECVCN, MRCVS & RCVS and Amy Polkes DVM, DACVIM as part of the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Equine Veterinary Continuing Education Series As the population of aged horses (20+) grows, according to the USDA, and veterinarians …

Green Horseman, Green Horse, 3800 Miles

By , August 24, 2021

Trafalgar Square Books (www.HorseandRiderBooks.com) is proud to announce the release of ON THE HOOF by Jesse Alexander McNeil, the true tale of a voyage that broke a man down and built him back up, with the help of one special horse. At 36 Jesse McNeil—at times carpenter, commercial fisherman, dabbler in real estate—decided to buy an untrained …

Discover The Horse You’ve Always Dreamed Of… 

By , August 24, 2021

Horseback riding is a blending of souls, intertwined in connective communication as 1000+ lbs of horse power moves beneath you in harmony with your will.  Isn’t this exactly what we are seeking when we are with and riding our horses?  Do you experience this with your horse or are you experiencing resistance, stubbornness, bucking and …

Certified Horsemanship Association Nominations Due for Annual Awards

By , August 24, 2021

 Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) holds annual awards for horses, humans and companies. They include: CHA Certified Horseback Riding Instructor of the Year CHA Partner in Safety CHA Volunteer of the Year CHA School Horse of the Year CHA Certifier of the Year And the CHA Distinguished Service Award Here is the list of our past …

UK and the Kentucky Horse Council Launch 2022 Kentucky Equine Survey

By , August 23, 2021

The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Kentucky Horse Council (KHC), in conjunction with the Kentucky Thoroughbred Association and other industry partners, will conduct a statewide equine survey in 2022. The Aug. 20 announcement by the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board provided a key piece of needed funding to help make …

Find Your Individual and Team Strengths: Coaching Services at Your Barn or Hers with Katie Navarra

By , August 23, 2021

“You were an amazing coach and helped us all to see our individual and team strengths, and ways we can improve. We have lots to bring home with us! Thank you,” Malta (NY) Animal Hospital staff veterinarian, Michelle Bombard, DVM, told personal development and corporate leadership coach, Katie Navarra, after eight members of the MAH …

ThinLine Global LLC Announces Partnership with Person Industries

By , August 23, 2021

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”  – Winston Churchill ThinLine Global LLC partnered with Person Industries for the production of the equine pacifier, The Busy Buddy. When assistance was required for production, ThinLine decided creating jobs for underserved communities would be a great way to …

Animal Wellness Brands Continues Work with U.S. Horse Racing Industry to Improve Welfare Standards

By , August 18, 2021

Animal Wellness Action (AWA) executive director Marty Irby said this week that key leaders within the Thoroughbred racing industry are the leading voices within the horse racing industry for animal welfare issues, including ending race-day doping to enhancing performance on the track to halting horse slaughter for human consumption. Last week, during the annual August …

Keeneland to Adjust Horses of Racing Age Portion of November Breeding Stock Sale

By , August 18, 2021

Keeneland will enhance the popular horses of racing age segment of its 2021 November Breeding Stock Sale by creating a separate, single-day session that will include all of these offerings to be held on the final day of the auction. A selection of breeding stock will be offered early in this final session, followed by …

Horse Shootings Profiled in A New Crimes Against Nature Podcast

By , August 18, 2021

Horse shootings across the United States have left owners shocked, scared and angry. Crimes Against Nature returns this month to examine the crime and what horse owners can do in “Targeted,” the podcast’s 7th episode. Host and award-winning journalist Julie Bryant profiles three cases, including the shocking Arkansas shooting of three horses, leading to an …

BreakawayRoping.com Launching Sept. 1 with Industry-Changing Coaching from Lari Dee Guy, Madison Outhier and Other Breakaway Elite

By , August 18, 2021

The on-demand video platform BreakawayRoping.com brings together the leaders in breakaway roping and horsemanship to reshape the way ropers at every level study and practice. World Champion Lari Dee Guy and the staff of The Breakaway Roping Journal joined forces to develop BreakawayRoping.com, a streaming video site launching Sept. 1, 2021, where the best ropers …

FEI 5* Judge Janet Foy Training Videos Just Released on Dressage Today OnDemand

By , August 18, 2021

Top judge and rider Janet Foy returns to Dressage Today OnDemand. Janet is an FEI 5* dressage judge, young horse judge and a USEF dressage judge. She has judged all the major shows in the United States and Canada, including the North American Young Rider Championships and the 2019 Pan American Games. In addition, Janet …

Read Riding & Writing to Learn How Girl Scouts Propelled a Young Girl’s Love for Horses

By , August 17, 2021

Gina McKnight, Monday Creek Publishing, author, freelance writer, equestrian, blogger, and poet invites readers to explore her international blog, Riding & Writing, about horses, writers, authors, books, cowboys, equestrians, photographers, artists, poets, poems, and more horses. 1940s Girl Scout Mount Troop #150 Mansfield, Ohio – Jody Haley Smith, a veterinarian’s wife, journeyed far and near with the …