Patty Tiberg, Presidential Advisor

By Christine Brune, May 15, 2024
Patty Tiberg’s professional experience spans more than 30 years. Currently, she is the Incentive Program and Marketing Manager for the National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA). Patty is a longtime member of AHP having served on the board from 2006-2014 and as the 2012-2013 AHP President. She and her husband, Steven, reside in Aledo, Texas, with their 20-year-old son, Colby, and 18-year-old daughter, Taylor.
Barrie Reightler, President

By Christine Brune, March 27, 2024
Every year since 2001, Barrie Reightler has designed the AHP Annual Conference logo and numerous other logos for the association. She earned the Chris Brune Spirit Award in 2006 and was inducted into the AHP Circle of Champions in 2013.
Katie Navarra, Vice-President

By Christine Brune, June 30, 2023
Katie Navarra is a media professional and leadership/business development coach. She first joined AHP in the early 2000’s as a student member and has served on the board since 2015.
Jennifer Denison, Secretary/Treasurer

By Christine Brune, June 29, 2023
A former AHP Student Award winner, Jennifer Denison has more than 25 years of editorial experience in the equine media industry.
Pat Trowbridge, Advisory Director, Executive Committee Member

By Christine Brune, June 28, 2023
Pat became involved with American Horse Publications in 1998. He is one of only three individuals who have served two terms as AHP President, in 2007-2008 and 2015-2016.
Jennifer Paulson, Executive Commitee Member

By Christine Brune, June 27, 2023
Jennifer Paulson has a 20-year history in publishing, media, and advertising. She recently started her own creative strategy business, Jen Paulson Creative, to consult on projects for associations, brands and publications. She served on the AHP board as a director from 2012-2015. She was re-elected director in 2019.
Whitney Allen, Presidential Advisor

By Christine Brune, June 26, 2023
A native of Pennsylvania, Whitney Allen began riding hunters/ jumpers and hunter paces in 1988 and continued to ride and compete competitively until 1998.
Jennifer Bryant, Director

By Christine Brune, June 25, 2023
Jennifer Bryant is a full-time freelance writer, editor, photographer, and blogger. A longtime horse owner, Jennifer rode hunter-seat equitation and eventers before focusing on dressage.
Keith Dane, Director

By Christine Brune, June 24, 2023
Keith Dane is a horseman who has been involved with gaited horses for most of his life, as an owner, breeder, and amateur trainer/exhibitor. As Senior Director on Equine Protection for The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Dane directs the domestic horse welfare policy work for the nation’s largest animal protection organization.
Diana De Rosa, Director

By Christine Brune, June 23, 2023
Diana De Rosa is a veteran equestrian photojournalist, who has traveled the world (over 40 countries) and recorded equestrian history for over 40 years.
Emily Marquez-Dulin, Director

By Christine Brune, June 22, 2023
Emily Marquez-Dulin is an accomplished leader and corporate administrator with over 25 years of experience in management, strategic planning, fundraising, marketing, advertising, public relations, community/corporate outreach, special events and promotions.