2013 AHP Champions
In 2013, three individuals were honored with the AHP Champion Award who have not only been true supporters of AHP, but also longtime friends.
Doug Hayes
2003-2004 AHP President, The American Quarter Horse Journal
Doug Hayes was involved in AHP from 1988 until he retired from serving as Director of Business Development for the American Quarter Horse Association. He joined the AHP board of directors in 1997 and served as its 2003-2004 President. In 2011, he was awarded the Chris Brune Spirit Award for his willingness to give his all to AHP.
Doug is known as a “good hand.” He’s dependable, willing to do almost anything asked of him, and would come to your aid in a heartbeat.

Frank Lessiter
2002-2003 AHP President, American Farriers Journal
A member of several publishing associations, Frank Lessiter is most proud to have served as both a director and the 2002-2003 AHP President. He was the innovator and first moderator of the 45 Ideas panel that AHP continues to hold every year at its seminars.
Founding Lessiter Media in 1981, Frank still oversees all of the company’s publications, with an emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.

Barrie Reightler
2001-2002 AHP President, Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred
Barrie Reightler became the 2001-2002 AHP President after her tenure on the Board of Directors that began in 1996. She has been an AHP member since 1983.
Barrie was awarded the Chris Brune Spirit Award in 2004 for her willingness to serve the association through her creative talents as an award-winning designer.
Barrie currently serves on the AHP Executive Board and the AHP Strategic Planning Committee. Every year since 2001, Barrie has designed the AHP Annual Conference logo and numerous other logos for the association.