Message from the AHP President

Longtime AHP Executive Director Christine Brune announces her retirement.
A member since the mid-1970s when she was editor of Eastern/Western Quarter Horse Journal, Chris began serving as Executive Director in 1992. Throughout this tenure, she provided insightful leadership with unbridled enthusiasm and an unmatched work ethic. Our niche media world has seen tremendous disruption and change over the last 30 years. Thanks to Chris’s dedication, we’ve been able to navigate these ever-changing times. Through her work, Chris fostered an environment where AHP members supported each other rather than viewing other equine media members as competition. In 2004, AHP introduced the Chris Brune Spirit Award, an aptly named award given to members who have “done the most consistently to assist and support the association.”
Chris’s well-earned retirement will be effective June 30, 2024. This summer retirement date greatly benefits our association, as it allows her to still drive our Equine Media Conference in Lexington from May 16-18, 2024. With Chris’s retirement, we’ll see Judy Lincoln, her sister and AHP administrative assistant, retire from association duties.
Although imagining AHP without Chris as the Executive Director is difficult, we must move forward as an association. A special committee chaired by Pat Trowbridge has worked diligently for several months, exploring options, and determining the best course for AHP. There will be more information on this progress in the coming weeks. For now, I want to remind you that AHP is your association. The board members and executive director all serve on your behalf. As we begin this difficult transition, any ideas you have for advancing AHP are greatly appreciated.

Jeremy McGovern
AHP President