AHP Welcomes Three New Directors to the Board for 2019-2020

Three AHP members were elected to the 2019-2020 Board of Directors at the general membership meeting held on June 1, 2019 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The addition of these new directors brings the board up to a full slate of 12 and will infuse new talent to assist with directing the association into the new decade.
The three newly elected directors represent many years of experience in the equine media industry and a variety of skill sets.
Emily Esterson
Emily is the founder, CEO and editor-in-chief of E-Squared Editorial Services (DBA E-Squared Magazine Media). Esterson, the two “E”s in E-Squared, has been creating publications since the late 1980s, back when typesetters delivered rolls of copy and editors’ tools were rubber cement and Exacto knives. As the Editor-in-Chief of E-Squared, Esterson manages projects, writes articles, edits all copy and serves as quality control for client projects. She has been a writer and editor for 30 years and has worked on all manner of publications, from oil company annual reports to community newspapers to national magazines. Her current client list includes Covertside, the Magazine of Mounted Foxhunting, The Event at Rebecca Farm Program, Albuquerque Museum Magazine, Heritage Hotels and Resorts Magazine and many others. She spends her spare time taking care of her four horses and small farm in New Mexico. In the winter she whips-in to Caza Ladron Hunt, and in the summer she events her Connemara cross, Lucy.
Jamie Samples
Jamie is a marketing professional focused on social media and relationship marketing. She has been involved in the equine world for 30+ years. Samples grew up showing Paint horses, and currently enjoys trail riding with her Welsh Pony. She has been a member of AHP for 7 years and is honored to be serving on the Board of Directors.
Jennifer Paulson
Jen has a 20-year history in publishing, media, and advertising. She’s covered almost every major Western event, from cutting, cow horse, and reining to world shows and World Equestrian Games. Paulson’s work history includes editorial positions with The American Quarter Horse Journal, Ride with Bob Avila, Western Horseman, Horse&Rider, NRHA Reiner and NRHA Pro Trainer. She recently started her own creative strategy business, Jen Paulson Creative, to consult on projects for associations, brands and publications.
The 2019-2020 Executive Board is elected by the Board of Directors and include: Whitney Allen, President; Jeremy McGovern, Vice-President; Katie Navarra, Secretary/Treasurer; Barrie Reightler and Emily Koenig, Executive Board Members. Directors currently serving terms include Jennifer Denison and Larri Jo Starkey. President appointed positions include Pat Trowbridge, Advisory Director, and Diana De Rosa, Presidential Advisor.
“This is an exciting time for American Horse Publications as we approach our 50th anniversary in 2020,” says Chris Brune, Executive Director. “For the past several years, the Board has worked diligently on following our Strategic Plan and developing leadership skills. It was time to increase the strength of the board with individuals who can contribute needed skills and fresh perspectives,” says Brune. “I know we all look forward to working with Emily, Jamie and Jennifer in the coming year.”
AHP would like to thank past president, Jennifer Bryant, for serving as an interim director until the June 2019 election.
To learn more about AHP Board of Directors visit the AHP website. www.americanhorsepubs.org under About.
American Horse Publications has united equine-related publishing media, businesses, professionals, colleges, and students for 50 years. The non-profit professional membership association promotes excellence in equine media and encourages relationships and communication within the horse industry. For more information, visit www.americanhorsepubs.org.
For further information on the AHP Equine Media Awards or member benefits, contact: Chris Brune, American Horse Publications, amy.sales@easterassociates.com or visit the AHP web site at www.americanhorsepubs.org.