PATH Intl. Members Receive Benefit of Equine Assisted Services Research Report Subscription Partnership

The growing body of peer-reviewed research into the benefits of equine assisted services is now within reach of professional members of PATH Intl. Beginning in February, PATH Intl. members are eligible for discounted subscriptions to the new Equine Assisted Services Research Report (“EASR”), from Hoofcare Publishing.

The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) is a federally registered 501(c)3 organization and an international leader in the advancement of professional equine-assisted services with rigorous standards for credentialing and education. It delivers the only independently credited therapeutic riding certification, the PATH Intl. CTRI®.

Through this partnership with EASR, PATH Intl. provides an online subscription portal through the interactive PATH Intl. Store on the organization’s website, PATH Intl. members receive a discount of $25 off each subscription sold, while receiving the full benefit of a year’s access to new research announcements and direct links to downloadable documents.

“It is a pleasure to offer PATH Intl. members this new benefit,” said Kathy Alm, PATH Intl. CEO. “Having research to source via this easy-to-use and excellent tool can help professionals in the industry better understand those they serve.  Another way in which the EASR will support the industry is PATH Intl. centers will have the ability to site recently-published studies regarding efficacy for grant proposals.”

“This is exactly the type of partnership I envisioned for EASR,” said publisher Fran Jurga, who is a PATH Intl. member herself. “PATH Intl. leaders immediately recognized the benefit that research awareness and access could offer members, without PATH Intl. having to create databases and retrieval systems of its own. EASR has already built relationships with journal publishers and university libraries and has the infrastructure to host a valuable, user-friendly publication online.”

How the partnership works

 PATH Intl. members wishing to activate their Equine Assisted Services Research Report member benefit should sign into their membership portal on the association’s website and proceed to this link:

The discount is only available when purchased through PATH Intl., which can verify membership eligibility for the reduced price.

Non-members may also purchase subscriptions through PATH Intl. at that link, but at the non-member rate. They – and anyone – may subscribe directly from EASR at .

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 How EASR works

Each quarter, subscribers to the Equine Assisted Services Research Report access to a new master document listing and linking to all new peer-reviewed equine assisted services research published in the preceding three months. Research is presented in six chapters of listings, which are further divided into 50 topics. Subscribers looking for a single topic, such as EAS horse behavior, equine-assisted learning for personal development, or specific new research on conditions like autism, dementia, stroke, or military veteran support, can go directly to those sections to be notified of the latest research in those areas, and then follow links to read or download the documents.

The new publication has welcomed subscribers from Europe and Australia as well as from the US and Canada. The 99 journal articles and theses shared in the most recent issue represented 24 nations, 54 universities, and 39 different peer-reviewed journals. EAS research benefits from a high percentage of Open Access articles, and subscribers typically have free access to immediately download full text versions of 80 percent of all new research.

In addition to the exciting research being done to show the benefits of EAS in specific medical and psychological areas, EASR offers subscribers new research on the behavior, welfare, and management of horses participating in EAS programs and housed at centers, and on specific higher education and professional matters in this growing field.

EASR includes research for professionals offering specific therapy through equine-assisted and veterinary social work, occupational and physical therapy, speech pathology, and equine-assisted learning and psychotherapy, as well as new research on mounted programs such as therapeutic horsemanship and equine movement therapy.

Equine Assisted Services Research statistics

A special benefit to subscribers is EASR’s commitment to tracking trends and charting statistics. This allows administrators managing or applying for grants to monitor funding trends in different areas.

To date, EASR has indexed and shared more than 1,400 peer-reviewed journal articles, theses, conference proceedings abstracts, and patents for its readers.

Among these have been 573 peer-reviewed articles on EAS for specific medical or psychological conditions, 210 on health, behavior, and welfare of EAS horses, and 67 on the biomechanics of horse and /or rider in equine movement therapies or therapeutic riding.

Subscribers also benefit from conference abstract submission deadlines, journal special issue calls for articles, clinical trial announcements and new reference book notifications.

EASR basic information

EASR is available to anyone who has a browser-equipped mobile device or laptop/desktop computer. Internet access and a functioning email address are required. Each subscriber builds an online archive of searchable back issues;  it is easy to search for content by author name or research keyword. Additional back issues may be purchased and added to a subscriber’s archive.

A subscription to the Equine Assisted Services Research Report is $100 (US), worldwide, for four editions.

Full subscription information:

General information about the publication: .

 About Hoofcare Publishing:
EASR (ISSN 2994-0338) is published by Hoofcare Publishing, in Gloucester, Massachusetts (USA). Started by Fran Jurga in 1985, Hoofcare has enjoyed being known as the flagship for innovation in publishing new hoof-related information, history, and research for and by veterinarians, farriers, researchers, and horse professionals. In addition to EASR, Hoofcare publishes the award-winning HoofSearch, a similar compendium index of equine lameness research, and the popular “Hoof Blog”. Hoofcare manages publishing projects and social media for equine-related corporations, publishers and charities of all kinds. Fran Jurga’s services are available as a freelance or contract writer and editor, or for coaching or consultation on using science search engines and online databases and research tools.

For more information:
Fran Jurga
Equine Assisted Services Research Report
PO Box 78
Gloucester MA 01931-0078 USA