The Freelance Remuda Podcast Launches into 2024 with Episode 50: “Where Equine Media Meets AI”

Kicking off the seventh year of entertaining and educating with The Freelance Remuda Podcast, hosts Abigail Boatwright Kate Bradley Byars launched “Episode 50: Where Equine Media Meets AI.” The co-hosts are joined by photographer Shelley Paulson and writer/marketer Katie Navarra, who have delved into artificial intelligence in their work.

The Freelance Remuda Podcast is produced for freelance professionals who are navigating the equine media frontier. The hosts start each episode with talk that centers on their own freelance careers, what’s challenging and what is new, including Bradley Byars’ non-profit, Boss Mares, Inc., and the Freelancer’s Guide to Content Creation Workshop, which both Boatwright and Bradley Byars are co-hosting with photographer Chris Dickinson and content creator Jennifer Dension in March, in Fredericksburg, Texas.

The segmented episode introduces Paulson first, who shares how her own interest in technology brought her to study AI, how it is impacting photographers, and how she can be aware of its usefulness. The insight she gives was eye-opening.

“I’ve seen my own clients use AI stock images they didn’t know were AI… and [my interest] was driven to see if I needed to change my business focus,” Paulson said. “The tools in Photoshop and Lightroom are useful. To be able to expand backgrounds, when needed, or take out a fence line… the ability to remove things from images using AI is making my job easier. It seems like with AI, there is always a winner and a loser. But I am certainly using all the tools at my disposal as a photographer in the editing process, but I am certainly not creating new images… it almost never turns out right.”

At, the show notes for Episode 50 include links to Paulson’s blog, “6 Ways to Discern AI Horse Images From Real Equine Photos,” and other visuals discussed in the episode.

Navarra has written for multiple publications, and today focuses much of her work in marketing for corporations. That work led her to research how AI was useful in content creation. The discussion included talking about the platforms to aid AI use, and those are linked in the show notes, as well.

“It is important to discuss how comfortable your clients are with using AI, because reading some contracts, they say no AI,” Navarra said. “Using AI for headlines or brainstorming, that can fall into that. But one agency I work for sent a survey to their freelancer pool to see who was using AI. They had me use AI to create headlines and abstracts with AI… and then I used my own tools, and they compared the two. It was fun to be a part of that experiment with them to see how AI belonged in their business model.”

As The Freelance Remuda works through another year of providing educational and informational content for others working in the various equine media industry segments, guest blog posts, and video blog posts will welcome experts in film, television, writing and book editing. Additionally, this is the first year the co-hosts will offer an in-person workshop. The Freelancer’s Guide to Content Creation combines the ultimate backpack journalism teachings into one retreat, held March 21 through 24 in Fredericksburg, Texas. More on the intensive workshop, including registration, can be found at

Launched in 2017, The Freelance Remuda Podcast offers subscribers, followers and listeners a wealth of information about equine media, whether post in a blog or vlog on the website or produced in a podcast. While the episodes are available on, through Apple Podcasts and Spotify, the Freelance Remuda blog at continues to spotlight a variety of creators. Additionally, video clips from the Boatwright and Bradley Byars visiting with guests are posted to The Freelance Remuda’s YouTube channel.

Find and subscribe to The Freelance Remuda on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more about The Freelance Remuda and sign up to receive updates and exclusive content at or connect on social media at

About The Freelance Remuda Podcast
The Freelance Remuda is a podcast about navigating the equine media frontier. Co-hosted by seasoned freelance professionals Abigail Boatwright and Kate Bradley Byars, the podcast explores the trials and triumphs surrounding life as a freelancer in equine media, while sharing valuable tips from equine media editors and creatives doing what they love. The dictionary lists a remuda as: re•mu•da (noun): a herd of horses that have been saddle-broken from which ranch hands choose their mounts for the day. The Freelance Remuda’s mission is to help train up a herd of professionals specializing in horses, from which editors and businesses in equine media can hire to do great work. Find and subscribe to the podcast wherever you choose to listen, and for more information, go to

For more information, contact
Abigail Boatwright, podcast co-host at (210) 414-6761
Kate Bradley Byars, podcast co-host at (713) 907-4329