6 Ways to Discern AI Horse Images from Real Equine Photos

As Artificial Intelligence advances, it is becoming more difficult to tell synthetic and organic images apart, as evidenced by several recent usages of AI images in industry ads and social media posts.

What muddies the water even more is that many large stock agencies like Shutterstock and Adobe now include AI-generated images in their libraries alongside real photos.

If you do a search on Adobe Stock for “horses grazing,” at least 30% of the images returned in the results will be AI-generated.

So, how can you tell the difference between synthetic AI images and authentic, organic photography?

 Equine Photographer Shelley Paulson has written an article to share 6 Ways to Discern AI Horse Images from Real Equine Photos.


If you are looking for premium equine stock images, Shelley’s stock library features over 15,000 curated, authentic, equestrian-approved photos and videos for brands and publications to license and download.

This Premium Equine Stock Library has recently been updated with over 2000 new images.

Visit shelleypaulsonstock.com to learn more and start your search today

To see all the new images, go to the site’s Recently Added page.


To be notified of new content, be sure to join Shelley’s stock photo mailing list, found at http://shelleypaulsonstock.com/about/list/

About Shelley Paulson
Shelley Paulson is an award-winning equestrian photographer based in Minnesota. She has combined her deep love of horses with her passion for creating heartfelt, meaningful equine images to create a thriving full-time career. Her work has been published worldwide and can be seen in equestrian publications and advertising for major equine brands.

Shelley’s Full Web Site can be found at http://www.shelleypaulson.com.

Contact: Shelley Paulson