The Freelance Remuda Podcast Brings Guests Glenn Hebert and Holly Caccamise in to Discuss “The State of Equine Media” in Episode 49

In the 49th and final episode of 2023, The Freelance Remuda Podcast brings podcasting guru Glenn Hebert and Editor Holly Caccamise in to discuss “The State of Equine Media: From Print to Digital.” Episode 49 launched on Tuesday, December 12, with hosts Abigail Boatwright and Kate Bradley Byars leading the conversations in two guest segments. It wrapped a year that offered six new podcast episodes and six informative blog posts to followers.

The Freelance Remuda Podcast is produced for freelance professionals who are navigating the equine media frontier. The hosts kick off the episode with a discussion about how their work has shifted and evolved with the focus on digital media, while also remaining rooted in the written word. Then, Glenn “The Geek” Hebert joined the hosts to discuss his history in podcasting and how it is evolving. Hebert is the host of one of the most well-known and longest-running equine podcasts, “Horses in the Morning.”

He shared insight on how his podcast and the others he coordinates for the Equine Network grew and stayed on air.

“We are the longest-running daily podcast. Most podcast start then they realize it is hard,” said Hebert. “Podcasting is all about the hosts… they [listeners] come for the content but they stay for the hosts…I don’t care how good the content is, if you can’t stand the hosts or they are boring, you’re not staying around.”

Turning from digital focus to publishing, Boatwright and Bradley Byars welcomed Horse Illustrated, Young Rider and Western Life Today Editor-In-Chief Holly Caccamise in segment three. She talks about how she got into publishing, the changes she’s seen and where print—and digital media—may be headed in coming years.

Caccamise shared what she thinks of as a consummate equine media professional in today’s industry.

“This goes to what I look for when I hire someone, too. We look for someone that is that jack-of-all-trades that can handle a lot of different things,” she said. “When you had, in the past, a photographer, a writer and an editor, somebody that has that eye for content is [what we need]. More and more, someone that can use Word Press and SEO is important, someone who can keep up with social media trends.”

To wrap up the 2023 offerings, a guest blog post from CPA Joshua Reagan about “Freelancer End-Of-Year Tax Preparation” was published on December 19. While many business owners work with a Certified Public Accountant, the blog post identifies some key points freelancers should review before the year ends.

Launched in 2017, The Freelance Remuda Podcast offers subscribers, followers and listeners a wealth of information about equine media, whether post in a blog or vlog on the website, or produced in a podcast. While the episodes are available on, through Apple Podcasts and Spotify, the Freelance Remuda blog at continues to spotlight a variety of creators. Additionally, video clips from the Boatwright and Bradley Byars visiting with each guest is posted to The Freelance Remuda’s YouTube channel.

Find and subscribe to The Freelance Remuda on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more about The Freelance Remuda and sign up to receive updates and exclusive content at or connect on social media at

About The Freelance Remuda Podcast
The Freelance Remuda is a podcast about navigating the equine media frontier. Co-hosted by seasoned freelance professionals Abigail Boatwright and Kate Bradley Byars, the podcast explores the trials and triumphs surrounding life as a freelancer in equine media, while sharing valuable tips from equine media editors and creatives doing what they love. The dictionary lists a remuda as: re•mu•da (noun): a herd of horses that have been saddle-broken from which ranch hands choose their mounts for the day. The Freelance Remuda’s mission is to help train up a herd of professionals specializing in horses, from which editors and businesses in equine media can hire to do great work. Find and subscribe to the podcast wherever you choose to listen, and for more information, go to

For more information, contact
Abigail Boatwright, podcast co-host at (210) 414-6761
Kate Bradley Byars, podcast co-host at (713) 907-4329