#WeRideTogether Launches New Website to Empower All Athletes and Address Sexual Misconduct in Sports

All Sports, One Goal: Enhanced Site Features Current Events, Coach and Athlete Resources, Educational Blog, Sport Specific Resources, and Ways to Make a Difference

#WeRideTogether continues to provide a safe platform for dialogue around sexual misconduct and shine a light on the endemic issue of sexual abuse in youth and amateur sports. Launched initially to answer the needs of equestrian sport, the organization has broadened its mission to make youth and amateur sport environments safer for all athletes, in all sports, at every level.

To create the radical change needed to fulfill that vision, #WeRideTogether is addressing education and awareness, providing a safe place for survivors to find resources and share their voices, and eliminating the stigma around these necessary conversations.  The comprehensive new website will help empower athletes and coaches in all sports to train and compete in safe, healthy environments.  In addition to representing 56 individual sports and providing sport-specific resources, some highlights of the enhanced site include:

  • Get Help: Features #WeRideTogether developed Resources for download such as our Coach/Athlete Pledge, C.A.R.D Diagrams, and Justice Pathways.
  • Education Blog: A repository of resources, written both in house and by guest authors, that provides accessible, straightforward, and conversational knowledge. Check out the most recent blog post that dives into #WeRideTogether and how it holistically supports all members of athletic communities.
  • Be a Team Rep:  Invites individuals to become Team Reps – leaders within their teams or organizations, spreading and standardizing best practices that help keep sport safe and healthy for all.
  • Current Events:  Highlights of issues and news happening across all sports.
  • Spread the Word: Includes six downloadable social media toolkits for student-athletes, athletes, parents, coaches, organizations, and fundraising.

“Though #WeRideTogether’s roots are in the equestrian community, we quickly realized the demand for our work across all sports,” said Michaela Shepherd, Executive Director, #WeRideTogether. “The Redesigned website will address the specific needs of athletes, regardless of sport, and encourage continued dialogue, awareness, and education around identifying and preventing sexual misconduct.

“Heart-centered and mind-driven, our team commits to improving athletic communities in a sustainable and socially responsible manner,” said Kathryn McClain, Program and Partnerships Director, #WeRideTogether. “We focus on creating resources that are athlete, survivor, and trauma- informed. Our inclusive services are tailored to athletic communities in every sport, at every level, around the world because everyone should have access to preventative care and support, keeping sport safe and healthy for all.”

Visit WeRideTogether.today to watch compelling PSAs, read first person survivor stories, find educational tools and resources, and learn how you can help keep sports safe for everyone.  You can also make a tax-deductible donation here to support #WeRideTogether’s mission.

About #WeRideTogether
#WeRideTogether started as an awareness campaign and educational website designed to empower, inform, and unite the equestrian community around sexual misconduct prevention. The organization has since grown into a 501(c)(3), aiming to make sports environments safer for all athletes. #WeRideTogether believes everyone has the right to learn, play, and compete without fear of abuse. #WeRideTogether is committed to creating the radical change needed to fulfill that mission by addressing education and awareness, creating a safe place for survivors to find resources and share their voices, and eliminating the stigma around these necessary conversations.

Contact: Lauren Kay // Remarq // lauren@remarqinc.com – 310-409-8754

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