Nashville Singer / Songwriter / ‘hippie chic cowgirl’ Templeton Thompson Launches GET BACK UP GET BACK ON RIDE ONWARD & STRONG TOGETHER with LOVE, KINDNESS & GRATITUDE Campaign

Nashville Singer / Songwriter / hippie chic cowgirl Templeton Thompson & her husband & musical partner, Sam Gay will be re-releasing their ‘Get Back Up’ music video & launching their GET BACK UP GET BACK ON RIDE ONWARD & STRONG TOGETHER with LOVE, KINDNESS & GRATITUDE campaign next month.

“It’s a way to show our BIGTIME GRATITUDE to BEAUTY-full SOULS who have played & play a BIG part in literally & metaphorically helping us GET BACK UP,” Thompson says. “I’m truly TRULY AMAZED by the LOVE & SUPPORT we’ve gotten over the years & continue to get with our music & with all of what our artist careers encompass. Over the years we’ve had to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps & keep movin’ forward more times than we can count BUT I know that’s in no way shape or form unique to us. I feel like our ‘Get Back Up’ song is a battle cry for resilience, for the underdogs, for anyone who’s chosen a road that may not be the easiest but knowing clear down to their souls that the one they chose is the right one, no matter how bumpy, muddy, winding, impassable, washed out, dark, scary & uncertain it may seem…it’s absolutely in our DNA as DREAMERS to go down that uncertain but instinctively knowing it’s the right road & stay the course & know that we’ll come out on the other side STRONGER & BETTER for it all.

Me and my man Sam are still rebuilding and working to get our stride back after the pandemic, I’m not meaning to sound “oh woe are we,” I just want to be transparent & authentic about where we’ve been, where we are right now & where we’re going. ONWARD has become part of our mantra ever since we released our Get Back Up single & video. I can’t say that I don’t have “those days,” and full disclosure, I’ve had A LOT of them over the years & still do BUT I honestly do WAKE UP GRATEFUL, EVERYDAY & we really do DREAM BIG, we WORK HARD & we HAVE FAITH. I’ve had to ‘Get Back Up, Get Back On & RIDE’ many, many times & I KNOW that’s pretty much EVERYONE, no matter who they are & what they do. If someone’s feelin’ like givin’ up, I wanna be someone who reminds them that they’re NOT ALONE & that they CAN DO THIS!! I think we all need a lil LIFTin’ UP sometimes…our 4~legged kids, my man & SO MANY kind & loving SOULS have & continue to heal me, encourage me & help me get back UP & for that I’m forever & ALWAYS GRATEFUL.

So, we thought, why not re-release our ‘Get Back Up’ music video on our YouTube channel with some extra footage & LOTS of GRATITUDE!! We’ll be doing that at the end of August BUT in the meantime, we’d be SO GRATEFUL if folks would check out our latest YouTube video, our cover of Chris & Morgane Stapleton’s ‘Starting Over’:

AND, to launch this campaign, I thought we’d start a little early & thank our INCREDIBLE friend who has become our Brother, Howard  Vlieger of Contact Organics. Howard & Contact Organics work tirelessly, bravely & resiliently to make the WORLD a BETTER PLACE for EVERYONE, 2 & 4~legged, 4 & 2~legged, ALIKE, from the ground UP, literally. Not only are the products from Contact Organics SAFE to be used around ALL of US, they’re actually “GOOD for the SOIL & GOOD for your SOUL” too;) knowing that not only are you using a product that’s safe to be used around your own FAMILY, that you’re keeping EVERYONE’S families & the environment safe!!

We met Howard & learned about Contact Organics last year when we attended The Homestead Festival in Columbia, TN. It was a divine intervention meeting for sure, kind of a long story so we’ll save it for another YouTube video;) The Homestead Festival is a BEAUTY~full event & it’s because of Howard that me & Sam were a musical part of their festivities this year!!”

AND speakin’ of BEAUTY~full SOULS & WORTHY causes…Templeton & Sam will be performing at the First H.E.L.P. Annual Honor Dinner in Dallas, TX on Friday August 11th. And on Friday October 13th at Healing Strides of Virginia’s Horses Inspiring Hope event.

These are both INCREDIBLE organizations that do SO MUCH for SO MANY. You can find out more about them & how to purchase tickets HERE:

STREAM & DOWNLOAD Templeton’s latest Get Back Upalbum:

PURCHASE an autographed, personalized Hard Copy CD:


Follow Templeton: Instagram/Twitter/TikTok: @templetontmusic

Facebook: @TempletonThompsonMusic

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More about Templeton & Sam:

For more information, hi-res art, Press Kit, please contact:
Templeton Thompson /
Media Contact: Templeton Thompson