Can Equestrian Competition and Horse Welfare Coexist?

Trafalgar Square Books ( is excited to announce the release of two new books for the good of the horse.

In WINNING WITH HORSES, sport horse veterinarian Dr. Shelley Onderdonk and 10-goal polo player Adam Snow explore whether equestrian competition and horse welfare can coexist. With their lifetime of working to marry international-level sport with training and management practices that put the horse first, they say, “Yes, it can.” In their intelligent and thought-provoking book, Adam and Shelley share the keys to their success…and the struggles and celebrations that taught them along the way.

“Our story is an explicit acknowledgement that doing good for the horse is good for results in the competitive arena,” they write. “Our task is to explain our method, and yours is to prove that it can be replicated.”

248 pages | 76 color photographs | Watch the book trailer:

In THE HORSE IN POSITIVE TENSION, movement analysis specialist and physical therapist Stefan Stammer uses a startlingly unique collection of color illustrations to make movement patterns in the horse visible to the human eye, in order to help riders better understand the principles of energy and motion happening within the horse. By forming new mental images for the rider, Stammer’s goal is to profoundly impact the rider’s daily work with her horse so that it is harder for her to make common mistakes or interfere with the horse’s natural mechanisms. When the cycle of kinetic energy within the horse is supported through the correct understanding and application of biomechanics—the mechanical laws relating to his and his rider’s movement and structure—the outer shape of horse and rider together achieve “positive tension.” This is the rhythmic stimulation of all the neuromuscular functions necessary to perform harmoniously and at peak ability.

192 pages | 278 color photographs and diagrams

For more information about these books or authors, contact Rebecca Didier (

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Trafalgar Square Books, the leading publisher of equestrian books and videos, is a small business based on a farm in rural Vermont. We’ve published books “for the good of the horse” for over 35 years.