New BLM Partnership Offers New Opportunities for Mustang Enthusiasts 

Introducing Mustang Champions

Mustang Champions, a new partner to the Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse & Burro Program, has been awarded a grant to develop national competitive events of English and Western discipline, training resources and curriculum and an educational outreach program. The programs are designed to a) raise awareness of the status of America’s wild horses and the management of their rangeland, and b) increase adoptions and sales via competitive participation and education.

“We are honored to partner with the Wild Horse & Burro Program,” said Matt Manroe, Mustang Champions Executive Director. “We created Mustang Champions to engage and persuade the American public to get more involved and potentially adopt an American mustang transitioned out of holding. The Mustang Champions team is very experienced and very talented. We know we can make an impact on the future of mustangs in holding. We encourage everyone to come and join us in our efforts.”

Programs are set to launch this fall.

Historically, wild mustang/burro adoptions and sales have not matched populations growth and removal rates on public lands. As of February 2023, the BLM is caring for more than 62,000 wild horses and burros in its off-range corrals and in long-term care on private pastures. Last year it cost the BLM nearly $83.5 million to care for unadopted and unsold animals.

The grant to Mustang Champions is a continuation of the BLM’s efforts to reinvigorate its adoption and sales to reduce the number of animals in off-range corrals and pastures.

Mustang Champions is a 501(c)(3) headquartered in Austin, Texas. Mustang Champions is dedicated to the adoption and sale of mustangs that have been gathered and are currently in BLM holding. Working in partnership with the BLM WH&B Program, mustangs in holding will be transitioned into private care to lessen the burden of an abundance of animals, reduce the cost of care to the American taxpayer and help protect rangelands. Mustang Champions will create and manage programs and events that showcase the ability and diversity of mustangs with the sole purpose of getting mustangs adopted. Mustang Champions is committed to the proper gentling, training, and treatment of mustangs. By enlisting qualified trainers, potential adopters, owners, and all Americans who want to support our efforts, Mustang Champions will prepare mustangs for homes outside of government holding. Additionally, Mustang Champions will provide educational and training resources to help those interested in and working with mustangs to improve their skills and knowledge, ensuring better handling and care of mustangs and help educate the American public about wild mustangs, raising positive awareness for the BLM and the WH&B Program staff. Mustang Champions hopes that, with their combined efforts and experience, they can give American mustangs in holding an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities as companions or champions.

 The Bureau of Land Management manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations

Contact: Matt Manroe / Executive Director