Tipperary and Safe Riding Sponsor Diversity Townhall

Tipperary, Safe Riding, and Muirneen Equestrian invite all equestrian companies to join the diversity townhall on March 17 and work together to improve DEI in horse sports.

The New York Times article titled “Black Equestrians Want to Be Safe. But They Can’t Find Helmets” has led to many conversations about helmet safety, ASTM standards, and race.

Tipperary, Safe Riding, and Muirneen Equestrian invite all equestrian brands, magazines, and stakeholders to join the diversity townhall on March 17 and work together to improve DEI in horse sports. The diversity townhall will give an opportunity for companies and equestrians to discuss this article and topic in an authentic and unfiltered way.

Tipperary Equestrian was one of the companies featured in the article and is committed to working towards a solution. “Tipperary has been extremely supportive of me, and I am so grateful how this company is actually listening to their customers,” shared Chanel Robbins, the main equestrian featured in the article.

“It is important for the equestrian community to listen, learn, and sit under the tree of empathy before we decide if a problem is important enough to solve—and not jump to conclusions based on our own experience. We need to listen to other voices in the equestrian community, especially if they are struggling or facing challenges. We are thankful for companies like Tipperary that are willing to take the time to care and look for a solution,” states Shelly Watts, CEO of Muirneen Equestrian.

Tipperary is sponsoring the townhall as well as future townhalls scheduled for 2023. Important topics to be discussed in the equestrian community include: indigenous cultures and horses, training young black equestrians for the Olympics, accessibility for para-athletes, and inclusion for people of color at horse shows.

Registration Link for Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TE1NdUxiSVWb3_4iv1UpRA

Muirneen Equestrian already has speakers and sponsors lined up for the March, April, May, June, and July townhalls.

If you want to learn more, get involved, or sponsor, please contact shelly@muirneen.com.

About Muirneen Equestrian
Muirneen is a woman, minority, and veteran-owned company that designs riding clothing with unmatched beauty, quality, and size inclusivity. The mission of Muirneen is to inspire diversity, body positivity, and kindness in horse sports. To learn more, visit https://muirneen.com.

Contact: Shelly Watts, CEO
Muirneen Equestrian