Horses and Humans Research Foundation Prepares for 2023

Horses and Humans Research Foundation (HHRF) wants to take this moment to thank all who have followed and supported us in 2022. You are why we are able to help make an impact in the field of equine assisted services (EAS) research.

 The power of EAS has long been recognized and highly valued by those who practice it, and by those who have experienced the benefits. At the same time, EAS remains far less understood and respected by most professionals in the medical, therapeutic, and educational fields. For these reasons, HHRF exists to bridge the gap and fund and disseminate research findings to help educate professionals as well as the general public, and to improve the outcomes of EAS recipients worldwide. To achieve these goals, HHRF facilitates research, educates, collaborates, and advocates. With your support HHRF will be able to continue to make a significant impact in the EAS field of research.

PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW as we prepare to close out 2022.  HHRF is looking towards our 2023 goals to facilitate research, educate, collaborate, and expand work in horse and human interactions.  Your assistance is critical to continue the momentum, support our future endeavors, and share information far and wide!  Make your check out to HHRF and send it to: PO Box 23367, Chagrin Falls, OH  44022 or visit our website and make a secure online donation today!

We are also looking for sponsors for several projects that can help transform lives in 2023 through webinars, conferences, innovative grants and focused based grants. Please contact Dr. Pebbles Turbeville at to learn more about these initiatives and how you, or someone you know, can partner with HHRF.

Contribute to HHRF today and help ensure that important research, and education about research on horse-human interactions continues. For more information about HHRF and our team, visit the website or contact us at

Wishing all a Happy New Year!

Mission: “Through sustained investment in rigorous research and educational initiatives, Horses and Humans Research Foundation serves as a catalyst to advance global knowledge of horse- human interactions and their impact on health and well-being of people, horses and other equines.” * such as Donkeys and Mules

CONTACT: Dr. Pebbles Turbeville, HHRF Executive Director, or