Are You Creating a Community?

By Ashton Kirkeide, Chief Listener, Black Horse Marketing

Community = Brand Loyalty

Great marketing doesn’t feel like marketing. It feels like a community. It feels like a trusted friend.

Does content marketing do that?

I would say yes!

It builds brand loyalty

 What happens when you reach your customer with the perfect content at the ideal moment? It’s like having a friend show up at your door with the iced coffee you’ve been craving.

Valuable content gives your customer education, entertainment, interaction, and more. Soon people become emotionally invested in your brand. You can build a group of people passionate about your brand, your values, and what you do.

Remember, people want to be a part of a community. They don’t necessarily want to be “marketed to.”

Content marketing gives them the information they need, a brand they can’t wait to tell people about, and a brand they trust.

Stay tuned for more tips on marketing your equine business. 

 About Black Horse Marketing Services
 Black Horse Marketing Services helps small businesses reach their audience with engaging, interesting, educational content. Are you looking for someone to write your blogs, articles, emails, or social media captions? We’d love to chat about your content needs! Visit to learn more.

Media Contact
Ashton Kirkeide
Chief Listener, Black Horse Marketing