“HoofNit” with Living Life Ranch

By Everything Horses and Livestock® Magazine Jana Harrington-Barcus & Melissa Cowan

 Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine has partnered with several non-profits. Living Life Ranch is one of our charities we support and work closely with both our Podcast & News channel.

Melissa Cowan, owner of Living Life Ranch, has been contributing articles in our Magazine for several years. She explains what Living Life Ranch offers to the public including updates on their activities.  This nonprofit has many services available. The main program is Equine Assisted Learning. They utilize their horses to help individuals that are suffering from Anxiety, Depression, Divorce, Broken Relationships, Abuse, Bullying, and more. The Equine Assisted Learning is “Donation only”. This is tough on them but they know it’s the right thing to do. Melissa stated that she doesn’t want to charge to help people heal from their pain.

They also offer “experience riding lessons”. These lessons provide the entire experience of what work it takes to have a horse. From feeding, grooming, saddling and riding, families and individuals gain the knowledge and understanding.

Living Life Ranch offers Life Coaching Services for business owners, corporations, leadership, team building and career pathing. They offer online, or onsite services using video, text or emails, If someone is willing, they can utilize the horses in their sessions. Coaches on a personal level offer help when a person feels stuck and doesn’t think they have choices. Living Life Ranch’s Life Coaches, can help with anything that you are going through in your life.

If you want to hear more about what is a Life Coach listen to our HoofNit Podcast as Melissa Cowan & Jayne Hamilton discuss this topic with Jana Barcus. Title is “Live Coach? What can a Life Coach do for me?” Click here:  HoofNit Podcast_ What is a Life Coach?

They have another new program coming in 2023 called “Horse Powered Learning” where children can learn Math and Reading by working with a horse. This is a brand new program they will be introducing in 2023.

Living Life Ranch offers a Safe and Peaceful place for anyone to experience. Whatever is going on in your life it doesn’t matter, they have a program to help support you.

If you are interested in learning more about their program click here:  Living Life Ranch Foundation.

If you are interested in donating please click here: Donations Welcome

We will continue to support our nonprofit programs. Stay tuned to hear about the other programs we have partnered with and support.

For additional information about this company
Editor and Chief-Jana Harrington-Barcus
913-333-2657 Website:  https://www.EHALnews.com

Mailing Address:
29545 Pleasant Valley Rd, Paola Ks 66071
Everything Horses Livestock® Magazine – Paola Ks
Owner: Jana Harrington-Barcus and Billy Lane Barcus
Cell: 913-333-2657
Website:  https://www.EHALnews.com