American Horse Council Publishes National Trails Directory & Guide

The American Horse Council’s Recreation, Trails and Land Use Committee (RT&LU) is pleased to announce a new resource guide and national trails directory. The materials and links to state-by-state trails directories are available at National Trails Directory – American Horse Council. The directory was compiled by intern Jay Harris of Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky.

AHC President, Julie Broadway stated, “We hope this comprehensive guide with links to all things trail related will be a valuable asset to our recreational trail riding community. Through the pandemic, equestrians turned to trails to commune with nature and enjoy their horses. We felt this directory would be helpful in identifying and discovering new adventures outdoors.”

RT&LU Chair, Randy Rasmussen added, “Many thanks to Jay for all his hard work and research on this project. And thanks to all those that contributed including Back Country Horsemen of America, Equine Land Conservation Resource along with many state horse councils. We would also be remiss if we didn’t think Jean Ligon, former RT&LU Chair who suggested this project.”

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About the American Horse Council
As the national association representing all segments of the horse industry in Washington, D.C., the American Horse Council works daily to represent equine interests and opportunities. Organized in 1969, the AHC promotes and protects the industry by communicating with Congress, federal agencies, the media and the industry on behalf of all horse related interests each and every day.
