How to Build Brand Awareness for your Business

Did you know content marketing delivers 3x as many leads as other marketing channels?

By this time, you’ve probably noticed a pattern in my emails. Content marketing works!

It is one of the best ways to organically get your business in front of potential customers.

Unfortunately, prospects can’t become customers if they have never heard of your business.

There are a few ways to expand your brand awareness—paid advertisement, word of mouth, and content marketing.

Benefit #3 – Create Brand Awareness

 Different types of content help build brand awareness.

Magazines offer sneak peeks into the industry, fun stories, images, and articles on featured professionals. An article in an industry magazine could be one touch point for a potential customer to learn about your business. A well-written, exciting article could drive prospects to your website or social media to learn more about your service or product.

That’s the definition of brand awareness. Whether someone sees your content on the search engine results page (SERP), an industry resource, or a link from a friend, they are exposed to your business. And, before you know it, you have some fantastic customers and brand advocates.

Stay tuned for more ways to use content marketing in your business. 

 About Black Horse Marketing Services
 Black Horse Marketing Services helps small businesses reach their audience with engaging, interesting, educational content. Are you looking for someone to write your blogs, articles, emails, or social media captions? We’d love to chat about your content needs! Visit to learn more.

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Ashton Kirkeide