Why the Horse Industry Needs Content Marketing

By Ashton Kirkeide, Founder, Black Horse Marketing

Did you know brands using content marketing have 7.8x more organic traffic?

Content marketing starts a conversation with your audience and keeps that conversation fresh, helpful, and engaging.

As business owners, we are always talking to our clients in person. Content marketing lets you have the same conversations in the digital world, which leads us to the first and biggest reason you need content.

Benefit #1 – Boost Website Traffic

One of the top ways to increase your organic website traffic is through search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, effective content marketing is one of the best ways to improve your SEO website ranking.

SEO has three parts: technical (think coding), on-page (think content), and off-page (think backlinks). After fixing technical SEO issues, it’s time to focus on your on-page SEO. You need to publish high-quality content that excites your audience continually. When you produce helpful content for searchers, Google rewards you with better rankings on the search engine results pages (SERP).

Backlinks from high-authority websites will also boost your website in the SERP. This might mean submitting an article to a horse publication or blog. The SERP wants unique, data-driven content that excites, intrigues, and informs the audience, so make sure to submit something interesting.

With more targeted blogs and articles come more keywords. Those keywords will help pull a wide range of traffic and build your website traffic.

Great content marketing is not fleeting or just a blog post here or there. It’s important to stay consistent with your strategy. This leads to engagement and relationship-building with your audience.

This is where industry expertise becomes so important!

Working with a content marketer experienced in the equine industry is a make-it-or-break-it situation.

Can you imagine someone writing a blog for your horse business and adding statements like “the girl horses” instead of mares or “the brown horse” instead of the chestnut?

These statements will not establish your business as an expert and, in fact, could hurt your reputation. On the other hand, working with an equestrian who understands the horse world, terminology, and how to write optimized content can establish the brand voice you are looking for and increase your traffic.

Stay tuned for more ways to use content marketing in your business. 

 About Black Horse Marketing Services
 Black Horse Marketing Services helps small businesses reach their audience with engaging, interesting, educational content. Are you looking for someone to write your blogs, articles, emails, or social media captions? We’d love to chat about your content needs! Visit www.blackhorsemarketingservices.com to learn more.

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Ashton Kirkeide