Spoken Lives: Women Share Their Stories

Heather Wallace, an equine author, blogger, and entrepreneur, will join Spoken Lives on January 18, 2022 from 7 to 9 PM to share her personal stories of the silver linings of lockdown with four other inspirational women.

“I was always scared to follow my dreams, afraid to fail. At the age of 36 with three small children at home, I changed careers to work with animals full time, finally published the book I’d always dreamed of writing, and even traveled to Mongolia.

Five years after I launched, Covid lockdown occurred and my husband and I switched roles as he worked from home while I was with clients at the barn, and it strengthened our relationship to “step into each other’s shoes”. Heather Wallace – Be Bold

Please join he five attendees: Heather Wallace, Erin Paterson, Meredith Spielman, Donna Hall, and Ann Cook in this virtual even designed to uplift others.

Visit Eventbrite to get your tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/spoken-lives-online-silver-linings-edition-tuesday-january-18th-tickets-206275364167#

About Heather Wallace
Heather Wallace is an author, blogger, and entrepreneur in the equine world. She writes about confidence, overcoming self-doubt and following her passion on The Timid Rider. Heather is also the award-winning author of non-fiction titles Confessions of a Timid Rider, Girl Forward: A Tale of One Woman’s Unlikely Adventure in Mongolia, and Body Conditioning for the Horse and Rider. Learn more about Heather at www.timidrider.com or on social media @timidrider.

About Spoken Lives
Spoken Lives is a women’s speaker series that was founded in 2015. Five women share their powerful personal stories at each online event. Join us to celebrate phenomenal women sharing stories of adventure, success and what they learned along the way. Each woman offers her inspiring story, shares her triumphs, and that gives us valuable ideas to push past our own challenges. We believe in the power of stories to heal. Visit https://spokenlives.com/ to learn more.

Contact: Heather Wallace
Ph: 732-784-7195
Em: heather@timidrider.com