What’s New in 2025 at Horse in a Kilt Media? Lots!

Happy 2025 to all! As the year gets underway there are a few changes to report from the NikkiAlvinSmithStudio.com and HorseinaKiltMedia.com (Hamish the Horse!) corner of the world. Namely ‘hot off the press’ equestrian articles and the new purchasing program at the store; plus some advice on building your brand up-and-out using modern day marketing strategies. Let’s get creative together!

The integration of AI into the media landscape doesn’t mean that ‘real authorship’ is any less relevant to your readership and clientele. In fact, the need is increasing. Whether you are publishing a magazine; need website or social media fill; want to enjoy high-quality content production for your brand, the marketplace is kicking up a big need for original, creative works from the human brainbox. And expertise and thought leadership is more important than ever in deliverables.

It’s always the perfect time to step up your reader engagement and consumer/client purchase levels and brand awareness. Here’s a proven successful track to take:

  • Visit the store to review articles currently available and choose from the wide variety of topics. When you’ve selected your favorites simply email your interest for more info. Find over 250 articles to choose from here at Nikki’s studio (including many First Time Rights works; for the very latest ‘hot off the press’ topics please reach out via email).
  • Mention code AHPMEMBER to get this special discount: Buy 3, get 1 free (your choice of similar value article).
  • Business owners that are looking for a new or better direction to build business visit Horse in a Kilt Media Inc., to learn more about Nikki’s extensive stable of marketing skills as an artful content writer, equestrian blogger ( yes, blogging still yields excellent results), e-blast/newsletter producer, columnist, video producer and scriptwriter, film production showrunner, professional photographer, and marketing specialist and strategist.

As a British/American professional Grand Prix competitor/coach/clinician Nikki Alvin-Smith brings unique angles, experiences and thought leadership/authority to her wordsmith wizardry with a proven successful track record in boosting brand visibility and viability. Email Nikki@HorseinaKiltMedia.com with your interest. Customized PR/Marketing packages are available.

  • Get published! HorseinaKiltMedia.com {HIAK} offers a comprehensive program that includes all editing services (copy, proof, line-by-line) for white papers, e-books, print and audio production of works, together with cleverly devised marketing programs that are properly targeted to get them off the shelf. A published book is a great way to lift your brand, engage your audience and clearly demonstrate your thought leadership. HIAK currently offers publishing in both fiction and non-fiction, across multiple genres – not limited to equestrian (all work produced is ‘real authorship’ and non-AI). Collaborative partnerships welcomed. Experienced ghostwriting services also available.
  • Take advantage of another AHP member benefit – discount publishing rates available at Horse in a Kilt’s imprint, Catskill Horse magazine. Advertorial and editorial help with social media influencing through Catskill Horse channels, all bring the power of the valuable SEO Catskill Horse “.org” backlink to your sales force. Be seen and be heard.

Embrace 2025 with gusto and nurture your business development. Mindful management, positive energy, honest collaboration and of course, the wordsmith wizardry talents to back that all up are yours for the asking….don’t miss out. Your time is now.

About Nikki:

Internationally published writer, content creator, PR/Marketing specialist, photographer and equestrian Nikki Alvin-Smith offers “Engaging Content that Engages Riders to Read,” with unique and fresh material for your horse or pet related business, magazine, website, newsletter, blog, and email blast sales machine. Her portfolio of works is extensive and includes equestrian and pet features that have been published worldwide in over 260 different magazine titles. Her clients include/have included: equestrian and “B” list movie celebrities for whom she regularly ghostwrites and provides PR services; manufacturers of equine and pet related medical devices, feedstuffs, supplements, grooming supplies, fencing and barn equipment, horse transport, horse structures and professional equine service providers; profit and non-profit initiatives and organizations; and non-equestrian related businesses/publications in the pet industry, investment, real estate and international travel and rural lifestyle.

Nikki Alvin-Smith is a British international level Grand Prix dressage competitor/trainer/coach/clinician. Together with her husband Paul, who is also a Grand Prix dressage rider, Nikki operates Willowview Hill Farm , a private dressage yard and organic hay farm in the Catskill Mountains of New York. The duo provides ‘team’ clinician services to clients worldwide to riders of all levels and many riding disciplines.

Media Contact:
Nikki Alvin-Smith: Content Writer; PR/Marketing Specialist
Email: Nikki@NikkiAlvinSmithStudio.com
Websites: https://www.horseinakiltmedia.com/

Cell: 607 434 4470