Gina McKnight Features Between the Ears Expeditions: Riding with Amelia and Lauren

Gina McKnight, Monday Creek Publishing, author, freelance writer, equestrian, blogger, and poet invites readers to explore her international blog, Riding & Writing, about horses, writers, authors, books, cowboys, equestrians, photographers, artists, poets, poems, and more horses.

Between the Ears Expeditions: Riding with Amelia and Lauren –  Welcome world equestrians, Amelia and Lauren, the proprietors of Between the Ears Expeditions: Gritty and wild horse treks. A fascinating endeavor, Amelia and Lauren host international horseback riding vacations that “combine adventure and simplicity with one goal — to connect you to the natural world, the people around you, and yourself.” The duo has an extensive background with horses, conservation, world travel, and connecting cultures. I recently caught up with the pair to ask about horses and their worldwide riding vacations..   … Read more here… 

More on the blog…

A beloved veterinarian from Maine to Colorado to the Ohio Valley – read about Abbott P. Smith, DVM, Athens, Ohio, in “Milliron: The Biography“ and every Milliron Monday.

Promote what you love! Send me your info and I’ll post your business, book, stallion, photography or art! – Horse Business

To read all of my Riding & Writing archived freelance, interviews, and book reviews, visit

Member: Outdoor Writers of Ohio, Ohio Arts Council, Appalachian Author’s Guild, Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Ohio Poetry Association, Ohio Paint Horse Association, Ohio Horse Council, AHP

Media Contact:
Gina McKnight, Freelance Writer